Washington and Lee University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Washington and Lee University?


Academic life at W&L is intense. The small class sizes help the students, however, and it is easy to develop relationships with professors. The professors know your name, will email you when you miss class, and generally care about your performance. My favorite classes have been interactive, requiring preparation prior to class as well as in class participation. It is common to meet and become friends with students in your classes because most of the out of class work is done in groups. Homework is rare but difficult. Most of the classes I have taken have required lots of reading but the reading really helps the classroom move smoothly. The liberal arts requirement ensures that students take classes in all areas, and I've actually found that the classes outside my major are interesting. One of my favorite classes was my Geology lab I took during Spring term, where it was my only class. We were in the field everyday and learned geology through hands on experience. It is much easier to remember and understand topics when you've seen them firsthand. The education at W&L both prepares students for real world jobs and it also promotes students to explore areas that they are interested in.


Professors are great but there are exceptions. In the journalism department, everyone is a kind, giving person who wants to know about you and your life. Teaching does not stop after the class bell rings. I'm biased, but I think anything in the C-School sucks. Students study a lot, but that doesn't mean it's the only thing that happens (by far not true). Career services is a good resource, but if you're not a c-school major or planning on going to grad school, there's not much they can do to help you get a job.


Professors are always available and invested in your academic progress because classes are small enough that they can focus on you as an individual. Classes are often combine several disciplines, professors bring current events and campus issues into class discussions, and wide range of materials are used in studies. There is also a large amount of opportunity for creativity and specialized study. Anything that interests you, no matter how obscure, there is bound to be a professor


Academics are tough at W&L and a main focus of students. During the week the library is a very lively place. Being a liberal arts university, students are able to take a broad variety of classes. I'm an econ/politics major, but I have taken courses such as geology, environmental studies, discrete math, and an english lit course. We also don't declare our majors until the end of sophomore year, which allows students freedom to take courses and figure out what subjects they would like to pursue.


I've never had a class over 30 people. I've never had a t.a., even for lab. I know the students in my major and all the professors, and what's more, I like them.


I do not have a single complaint about the academics at W&L. I have had a wonderful education thus far, and KNOW that I would not have gotten a more indepth, hands-on education at any other school. The one on one connection with the professors is outstanding, the professor knows every students name. My largest class was twenty people. I have found myself endless challenged, but more fulfilled than I knew was possible. I have found myself enlightened and intellectually stimulated, everything I had hoped for out of college.


Last year I had an independent study. I don't know what that means at most schools, but here it is literally just you and the professor. Most of my friends still don't believe that the school would "waste" resources by offering a 3 credit course for just one person, but it happened. Of course I found both pros and cons for the class. The pros: 1) I really got to know the Professor, 2) I studies something that only I was interested in, 3) I was able to ask questions without the fear of embarrassment... The cons: 1) skipping was impossible, 2) it was very noticeable if I hadn't studied. The pros definitely outweigh the cons.


Academic life at W&L is very rigorous- W&L has a reputation for academics and professors hold students to very high standards. Everyone at W&L takes schoolwork very seriously, despite any stereotypes claiming that W&L students are just out to have a good time. Students come to W&L to get a quality education and to maximize their opportunities, and they take a lot of initiative in doing so.


Class participation is very common, and students take their academics seriously. The library is usually busy almost every day of the week. Professors are invested in their students, and often prefer to work with undergraduates doing research over the summer. My favorite class at Washington and Lee was a Biopsychology class called "Brain and Behavior," it is a "must-take" class at W&L for non-science and science majors alike!


The professors are tough and the workload is heavy. The academics are not, however, impossible. The small size makes it really easy to talk to professors and get help when you need it. Also, the work load isn't so demanding that you can't have a social life or get involved in extracurricular activities.