W&L has some of the best professors in the world. Every professor I have had knows each of his or her students by name. Professors at W&L are also very accessible. Every W&L professor is required to have office hours, though they are always willing to see their students. My professors have gone so far as to give students their home phone numbers in case students have questions late at night. W&L, put simply, has some of the best academics and professors in the world.
One expectation in every class at W&L is attendance, even in that 8 am, four-day-a-week math class. Professors expect a lot out of their students: active class discussion, group projects, insightful research papers. But professors also give a lot back. My professors have given me their personal phone numbers if we have questions about a take-home test, meet with me for extra office hours if the numerous hours they have already set up don’t fit with my class schedule, and are always willing to listen about non-academic subjects as well.
This also helps if you’re looking into graduate school (recommendation letters), since you truly get to know your professor by name, and he knows yours, since some of the largest classes at W&L are twenty students. I have taken two classes with only four other students, which means I better be on top of the assignments and have something to say. Not only interaction with professors, but with your peers, is almost necessary for some courses. What I enjoy about the other students is the lack of competitiveness, nothing petty happens and if you miss a day, someone will always lend you their notes. I felt that at some other schools, the atmosphere was cutthroat, but you don’t see that at W&L. Not to say W&L students aren’t highly motivated, because we are, and we are all used to being the best in high school, and to be the best at W&L, you have to work with your professors and other students.
Professors are extremely involved and dedicated to their students and willing to help you with anything. I've eaten dinner at my professors houses and I've talked with every professor I've had outside of class time. Professors encourage and sometimes even require you to visit during office hours. They are eager to get to know you and talk with you about anything. We even had speakers for my statistics class who came in to talk about fantasy baseball and another who talked about how statistics mattered in the upcoming '08 election.
Classes of 25 students are actually considered large. Participation is usually a major part of your grade and seminar-type classes are very typical. A professor just standing at the front of the room lecturing is uncommon. My favorite class at W&L has been my business class call Puzzles and Critical Thought. We learned how to solve puzzles, both tic-tac-toe type puzzles and real-life scenarios. It was an extremely interesting class and taught me how to think out seemingly unsolvable problems and develop ways of breaking them down so they seem more feasible.
Students here are all very intelligent and do spend a lot of time studying. But, it is not a harsh or extremely competitive environment.
The academic calendar at W&L is unique. It consists of a 12-week fall term, a 12-week winter term and a 6-week spring term. This schedule opens up a lot of unique opportunities for students to do what they want with the spring term. Many students, like those in the science majors that find it difficult spend a whole term away, use that to study abroad. W&L also has the NY Term that starts students in an Accounting or Investment Banking Internship in New York City during the 6 weeks that lasts through the summer, giving them a jump on other students. Washington Term is similar for political internships in DC. These give students great connections.
Classes at W&L are small and professors are accommodating and extremely knowledgeable. Taking into account that the majority of Washington and Lee students feel positively about learning and succeeding academically (and that the university draws in a multitude of "type-A" individuals,) it is no surprise that classes can rigorous and competitive. But, students are friendly and a diversity of opinion in discussions is highly valued, which makes for a less competitive feel.
While the Washington and Lee School of Law is located directly off the main campus, contact between undergrad students and law students is rare.
The classes are all challenging and time consuming, but the availability of professors and the willingness of fellow students to offer help makes every challenge surmountable. The smaller departments are especially strong in offering personal help and to tailoring the classes to students' needs. Overall, it is a highly intellectual campus full of very driven students.
the professors are very accessible, will know your name, and offer guidence for things regarding topics from inside and outside of class. you will gain a relationship with most fo the professors for your major and they will all expect you to use them as resources. you should become comfortable speaking in class. students often carry on intellectual conversations outside of class and act on their convictions through various club activities. im very happy with the politics and religion departments and i know that the expirience that i get here could not possibly be immitated anywhere else.
Every professor will know your name within the first two days of class. Classes are incredibly small. As a freshman, I took a class in which I was one of only three students. We took fieldtrips in the professor's car, even a weekend trip to Virginia Beach to go birdwatching. Also, if you are a science major, you will find Washington and Lee provides excellent research opportunities. Since there are no graduate students, undergrads get to help the professors with their research projects. I worked in the genetics lab for two years and used equipment I would never have even seen as an undergrad if I had gone to another school.
I love the classes here! There are so many options, and professors truly care about the topics they are teaching. They are so cool, I want to hang out with them outside of class-discussing, joking, etc. The workload is challenging, but interesting. (Usually)
Favorite classes:
Geomorphology (Geology)
Reading Lolita in Tehran (Womens Studies)
Sainthood in 4 Traditions (Religion)
W&L education is great. It is geared more towards an overall education than towards job training. On the undergrad side, I think the students are well prepared for employment and place respectably well. The Law School has had a weaker record on employment, but new staff in career services there have taken new initiatives that are starting to pay off. Class participation is indeed common and encouraged, and there is a lot of discussion about class and other intellectual issues outside of class. W & L may not be a perfect community, but it is a highly engaged community in the intellectual sense.
very challenging. everyone is very intelligent, but not necessarily very intellectual. as a politics/ classics double major, I have been very satisfied with all my professors; however, some grade a bit too harshly. although it offers a liberal arts education, W&L conveniently also invests a lot of time and money making sure its students get jobs as well.