The advice that I would give to perspective college students and parents would be find the right fit! Find a school that has the career you want, social life you wish to have, and just basically find a school that has a balance between school and you social life. Believe me you will need to get away sometimes so make sure there is somewhere you can go on campus or some wear close off campus for fun to get away from the hussle and bussle of school for a while. When you finally find the right fit just make the most of it! Enjoy every minute of it no matter what, try not to stress to much, it is not the end of the world if you do not do as well as you would like! College is fun especially after you freshmen year so just enjoy it while it lasts!
Make sure you visit many campuses to get a feel of what you're really looking for in a college. Talk to students who already attend these schools to get an inside look at what school is really like. Find a school that matches your personality and make sure you go somewhere that you know you'll feel comfortable.
I would say to students is to consider everything before making a decision. Once you get there, then I would say get involved. It makes college more rewarding and fun.
My advice to parents and/or students about finding the right college is to really think about what you want in a college. Think about the size that you want, how far away you want to be from home, if you want it to be a religious college, and if the college has a variety of majors available for you to select from. To make the most out of your college expreience, I would recommend that everyone gets involved! Get involved with sports, clubs, and community service; anything that your college offers! These activites will really help you to make a lot of new friends and grow as a person. You will never regret getting involved.
I think to really get to know a college the best you can as much as you can before you get there, is stay over night. It really helps you decide if you like the food, the people, the rooms, etc. I never stayed over night at school till I got there and it was a BIG shock. I had no idea what anything looked like, the food tasted like. Sometimes I hear girls say they met their roommate by meeting at an overnight thing. Some visitations let you attend classes in the morning with your host. That helps you decide if you like the way classes are set up and maybe help you decide on a major if your undecided. I think staying overnight really is the answer to finding the right school because your experimenting it without being enrolled yet.
Students should definitely look for a small college or university because the relationships between professors and students are so important. They are more likely to find better help with academic advising, on campus jobs, internships and counseling.