Wesleyan University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Wesleyan University?


fastpaced hipsters and downbeat hippies living in perfect harmony, enjoying the sunny days and green grass while discussing why George Bush sucks. some of them reportedly are neither male nor female.


ahm, that we're overly liberal, or hippies, or potheads and druggies. I don't really know. What I will say is that no one group is really dominant on campus: it's that those groups, and a few others are either more visible, more vocal, or more easily identified. There are many students who fit the "typical college student" category, and are distinguishable only by that. I'm not a social scenester; advise three grains of salt.


All hipsters and hippies, and all gender-confused or sexuality-confused. Not smart enough to get into Brown but too good for public colleges.


One is that Wesleyan students are fundamentalist liberals, meaning that they are not accepting of anyone who is not in favor of radical ideas or (as is the case in 2008) Barack Obama. Another stereotype is that everyone has a point to make. They are more interested in their cause then anything else. Another stereotype is that the gay community is incestuous and too insular. Also the stereotypical film major is someone who only watches indie films, is emo, and stuck up. Each person thinks he/she/ze is the best thing to happen to the school and the film department. We are WAY too PC.


That we are crunchy hippies that have false values and protest more for show than for legitimate reasons.


Naked hippies with wishy-washy far-left Kusinich-hugging ideals and foreign policy opinions heavily influenced by our last acid trip




Everyone is gay, a writer, and wants to create "art."


The main stereotype about Wesleyan and its students is that everyone there is the most liberal free-wheeling people in America.


Well, there's always been the perception that Wes kids are hippies, that they talk about feelings and shower infrequently. It isn't uncommon to hear pre-frosh ask, "I've heard that you have a naked dorm here." That stereotype is a bit outdated. The more current stereotype is that Wes kids are idiosyncratic, quirky, and offbeat. The school has an excellent intellectual reputation.