Wesleyan University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Wesleyan University?


People think that wes kids are ALL either dirty hippies, American Apparel Wearing Hipsters with the newest dj music pouring from their ears, crazies who protest ANYthing and EVERYthing, or extremely artsy.


1. More into mind-altering substances and left-of-mainstream philosophies and lifestyles than peer schools. 2. Politically active, in a 1960s protest and picket sort of way 3. High population of queer, trans and sexually questioning people 4. Forward thinking, avant garde artistic community 5. High population of both hippies and hipsters 6. Cutting edge in all sorts of lifestyle issues, for instance acceptance of veganism. 7. Whiny.


that we're all huge anarchist hippies.


Overly Liberal Large Scale Drug Use Wealthy and Pretentious


They are far lefties, activists, and potheads.


Really liberal, hippies, lots of gays/lesbians, weird, not normal, smoking pot 24/7, bad at sports, politically correct, rich white New England kids living off their mommys and daddys, whiny, lame, etc.


One of the major stereotypes about Wesleyan is that it is full of hippies, activists and general weirdos. Some people visiting the school allow themselves to be fooled by this stereotype, and by nature of self-fulfilling prophesy walk away with exactly that impression of the school.


One of the most common stereotypes to run across (especially when talking to parents) is that Wesleyan is some sort of giant commune run by SDS, riddled with Acid and in a constant state of uproarious protest.


All the girls are ugly, the jocks suck at sports, the hipster-jock divide, students are incredibly liberal


That we're all (smart) naked hippies who love experimenting with mind-expanding drugs all day every day. That we all join the Peace Core or Teach for America after we graduate.