wesleyan absolulely sucks. its white as shit, ignorant as shit, and despite its attempt at political correctness and diversity it falls miserably short. for all you spoiled rich white kids out there lookin for a hipster environment you found the right spot i guess, and for all you ethnic kids out there save urself some money and some heartbreak cus wesleyan IS NOT DIVERSE. there was a fucking cross burning at wesleyan my freshman year which was hushed up and the kid fucking SUED his way back in to wesleyan. he then announced that "i'm not racist, i love jazz".. so racist white kids and ignorant white kids step right up, the rest of you, this is not a safe or comfortable environment for students of color.
the financial aid sucks, tuition rises at a ridiculous rate, its incredibly difficult to get useful classes transfered in to wesleyan for credit, and if u come here and decide it FUCKING SUCKS like i did, u will find that it is next to impossible to transfer out to a worthwhile, useful school because these fucking useless liberal arts college classes *which will NOT help u get a job* are so fucking useless that no respectable useful college will accept them. if u have no regard for your future money or your parents money and your parents are rich enough to carry ur spoiled ass for years to come, or your priveleged ass is well connected enough that college is just a formality before mommy and daddy hook you up with some sweet as job then hey fuckit come to wesleyan you'll fit right in. but if you are looking at college as an investment in your future this is absolutely NOT the place. i have incurred more debt from this useless fucking institution than it would cost to put a downpayment on a fucking house. NOT WORTH YOUR TIME AND MONEY. go to state school and spend the big bucks on a good grad school.
I've heard we're gay pot smoking hippies.
That we are idealistic liberals desperate to bring the sixties back. We have lost touch with the real world and are willing to protest for whatever cause is the fashion of the moment.
Queer Activist Race-conscious Youth Questing For a Better Understanding of Life in America and the World. Artsy party humanimals.
Wes students are "Weird" kids. We get the usual hippie-related accusations of dirtiness, lack of sexual or social inhibitions, etc. I think we're also reputed as whiners who need to have their voices heard in everything. If we don't think someone is listening to our progressive and enlightened opinions, we tend to get fussy (so goes the stereotype).
Radical, left-winged hippies obsessed with being part of a minority.
Activists, Out to "save the world," Hippies, Lots of pot, Lots of Musicians/Artists, "Diverse," "Open-minded," Very "liberal"
People seem to think Wesleyan is a place for weird rich people.
Wesleyan students are hipp(ies)sters who protest about everything and anything. They are also spoiled and rich, although there is a lot of racial diversity. They smoke pot a lot and have philosophical discussions to accompany their social protests.
Granola crunching, social justice-oriented, vegan protestors