If I could go back to my high school senior self I would first slap my self. I would do this becuase one to get my attention and two I think it would be really funny. After I slap my self I would then say wake up, and listen. "Everything you have been told about college is false. Everything that you want from college will not happen, so listen up! College is not a joke, when you hear it to be the best years of your life, this is not true. This is the time where you must focus and work hard to keep up your grades. You cannot go out and have fun when you want and blow off your work till later. Start now organizing, prioritizing, and stay ahead of your work. You never know what could happen. Proffesors don't care if you missed there class you have to find a way to learn what you missed. Start now, prepare, learn as much as you can and be serious. Do not slack off, and don't eat that Dorito... You will know when the time comes."
I think when you are thinking about coming to college it is best to know what you want to do with your life. I say this because as I came into college I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my future and that honestly can put you behind as far as when you graduate. I also think it is important to go to a summer program if the institute you are going to offers it,. this allows you to get a head start with grades and just the filling of college. I also recommend that you visit the college because looking at the college website is not always how the college may really be and if you decide to go there it may not be what you thought. I say take your chances also if you really want to go to a college that is far out but the money is our of your reach, look for ways to pay for it. I never noticed how many scholarships there are out until i started to reasearch. As a senior you have to think about your next four years of your life as your own.
If I could go back and give myself advice, I would give myself a few very simple pointers:
*Be sure to go to class...every class. Do not skip classes. Classes are important. Treat your classes as if it were your job....Show up on time and get your work done.
*Do the work. All of the work. And, do it on time. If the work is challenging, get help!
*Help others be successful. The best way to learn information is to teach others. By serving others, you can better yourself.
I would try to convey to my high school self how important higher education is. I would tell him that it is so important to choose a school that will provide opporitunities to network with professionals within your desired field. I would tell him to choose a school that will allow yourself to be the best you can possibly be. I would tell him to choose a school that is competitive and encourages student participation on and off-campus. I would tell him what is going to expected of him in the "real world" and that he should pick a school that would help him develop a skill set that will allow him to become a successful leader within his desired field. Lastly, I would tell him disregard the prices of the school. I would tell him to be more concerned with the value of the education via expierences rather than the value of a particular school finacially.
I would go back and tell myself this:
" This is going to be hard, but don't lose focus on why you are here. You are here to better yourself and learn from each mistake you make while EARNING your degree. This isn't high school, this is college, the stepping stone to the real world. Work for what you want. Prepare yourself for this rollercoaster ride, and all the twists and turns that comes along with it. And, always remember, Mom is just a call a way for when things get tough."
Instead of finishing my senior year at my high school, I decided to go to Bucks County Community College as a full-time college student. This past May of 2014 I graduated with an Associated Degree in Mathematics with a 3.8 GPA. This made my senior year different than others because I was a full-time college student. I chose to do this because of the SATs. I have not been successful at standardized tests and was concered that colleges would not recognize my dedication to attaining a college degree. The SATs are not an indicator of what type of student I am. I knew that colleges would look at me and see a weak student with just my SAT scores, but when they looked at me as a hard dedicated student in college a year ahead, then they would really see what kind of student I was. I was able to show universities that I could attain a high GPA, but I was also able to graduate with-in 2 years with my AS in Mathematics. I do not feel I would have any advice for myself going back in time. I am happy where I am now.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior knowing what i know about college life and making the transition would be to have an open mind. As a high school senior I was very attached to my high school and my town and it was hard for me to let go and make the transition. I was very nervous and did not know what to expect but now I am having the time of my life. I would also like to tell myself to adjust my study habits a little bit because college studying is different from high school. Professors are not going to baby you through the work so you must be prepared to do it. Out of al of this the must important thing for me would be to have fun but also stay focused on the task at hand.
If I had the oppurtunity to go back and talk to my highschool self the only thing I would tell myself is to apply for more scholarships. Now realizing how expensive college is, and the amount of scholarships that are available, specifically for highschool seniors, I wish that I would have taken more time to apply and take advantage of the oppurtunities that were available to me. Had I taken advantage of these oppurtunities, college would be less of a burden on both my parents and I.
If I could go back in time and talk to the high school senior version of myself I would've encouraged myself to research every possible loan and scholarship out there. After being accepted to Penn State I was convinced that we would be able to make it work financially only to find out that realistically it wasn't possible. Knowing what I know now I would've done everything in my power to finance myself to get to my dream school. If that hadn't worked again I would have encouraged myself to stay optimistic about my time at West Chester and make the most of my experience here. I would have encouraged myself to continue working out at the gym and to stay upbeat rather than allowing myself to sink into the dark place I was in for most of first semester. I would've encouraged myself to work harder first semester rather than letting the situation get the best of me.
i would say time management and always make time to improve yourself. What i mean by making time to improve yourself is never letting others hold you back whether its being held back by their emotions or mentallly in the way of feeling discouraged or belittled by the ones that surround you. Always assume you will prosper in any situation or enviroment your faced with. In shport words to sum it all up just have courage to always believe that you will do nothing but succeed in life.