West Chester University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at West Chester University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


Don't be so dramatic. The friends you have now are not required to be your friends for life. Stop focusing on the high school drama and start readying yourself for the future. Your classes in college really are not going to be this easy. You might as well start learning how to study now so that you can excel in college. You're going to end up being OCD in the future so might as well start preparing for that too but don't worry, it really helps with you school work! Stop take a step back, calm down and focus on the more important things. The drama you will experience will be with your major and graduating on time so it's time to calm down with the friend drama. By the way, you'll make the best friends you've ever had at school anyways.


When I was a senior in high school, I was conviced that if I succeeded academically and earned the "right" SAT scores, I would be able to attend my "dream school." Since my sophomore year, I had strategically decided where I would go to college and which major I would pursue. However, my plans were drastically altered. While I was accepted into my top choice school and retrieved significant scholaships, I opted to attend a more financially feasible school in Virginia. Unfortunately, six weeks before the semester began, my father unexpectedly decided to leave my mother after a twenty year marriage. Unable to leave my mom, who is unemployed and hearing impaired, I instead decided to attend a university close to home. As a senior in high school, I would have never expected that my "concrete" plans would somehow proceed to fall apart. However, I would tell my past self that everything happens for a reason and that, while life does not always go according to plan, it does have a way of somehow working itself out for the better. Unlike other schools, WCU has an amazing speech pathology program which I am fortunate enough to be a part of.


Don't take yourself too seriously. College is a great place to learn and grow as a member of society, but when you become overly stressed about where you are going or what you need to do it affects your high school experience negatively. College is not as difficult as everyone makes it out to be. Sure, there are still many things you have to worry about like grades and how you will pay for school, but the best part about college is that you chose to attend instead of being forced to attend. You are creating your future on your terms. That is where all the satisfaction lies.


I've been at Elgin Community College for a little over two months now. I'm currently enrolled in four classes and just finished one class. That one class was College 101. In this class I learned some new ways to exceed in my learning tactics and excel in life overall. If I could talk to my high school senior self I would teach him these tactics. Learning to plan out your schedule is important in college. Most people have jobs and other important things in life to balance along with school. I learned to have a daily schedule to have time for homework and studying. I wish I would of practiced the idea that students need to read sections of a text book that there told to read. Until now, I never took the time to look over a chapter of a course book before a test or a quiz. This was my mistake because in college everything comes from the text book. My answers for the quiz or test lies within the text book. Reading the chapters and studying took time to getting used to, but now that its more natural I excel farther in class.


I would tell myslef to be a better student in high school so I could have won more scholarships. Even though my tutition is reasonable, I still struggle to pay my tutition and I do not want to graduate from college with tons of debt. I would also tell myself that a nutrition major is what I love to study and one day work at a dietician because my freshman year of college I was undeclared so I took a lot of boring gen-ed classes which I hated. Now I love college.


High school might as well be a whole different world compared to college. If I could to talk to my high school self I would have a lot to say. Kids at that age have such a small perspective on life and it is really hard to grasp issues that may occur down the road. I know, I was one of those kids. I would tell myself to follow the 5-year rule; when an issue comes about think to yourself, will this truly matter in 5 years? I had a hard time understanding that my problems were not the end of the world, and I would go on and forget it ever happened. I wish I would have truly understood that concept. High school literally is a world of it's own. Any problems may seem like it will be the end of everything. After my first heartbreak or when my parents would ground me after getting in trouble, these issues seemed much bigger than they actually were. The 5-year rule has truly been an eye-opener. My perspective has changed siggnifficantly, and now I realize that worrying about the little things in life is not worth it.


If I could tell my self two things as a high school senior, I would have told myself to slow down, and don't stress so much. I would tell myself to slow down only because doing so much my senior year of high school, I got sick alot and I wasnt able to do everything I wanted to do. The reason I would tell myself not to stress so much is because everything eventually worked out in the end without fail and I tended to lose sight of that when I stressed out.


I would tell myself not to compare my post-high school plans with those of my classmates. Not everyone is on the same track or headed to the same place after high school, and that's okay. I would have saved myself a lot of distress had I realized that then; worrying about making sure my college plans were on par with what everyone else was doing gave me a bad taste in my mouth about the high school to college transition, not to mention a lot of unneeded anguish. The decisions you make about college are a personal one. You should never make your decisions based on your peers, and should definitely never feel inadequete or unsure in your decisions because what someone else is doing seems like the "right" thing to do. I decided to spend my first year of college at a community college and spend a term abroad while all my friends went off to the state university. It was hard to be the only one doing something different, but it was the right choice for me and I'm so glad I didn't let my insecurities and worries keep me from making that choice.


I definitely would have told myself to spend my money wiser and to save a lot more. You don't realize how expensive these four years will be until you enter college. I would have definitely got involved in more extra curricular activities as well to better myself as an individual and have a more well rounded and open personality. As a senior I definitely could have worked harder at my academics in order to qualify for more scholarships. I would have better prepared myself for the hard work and long hours of studying by taking highschool a lot more serious and seeing it as helping me to become more prepared for college life.


Senior year of high school includes some of my most cherished memories, along with some of my most stressful ones. I attended Villa Joseph Marie High School, which is an all-girls Catholic school. If I could tell myself one thing it would be - enjoy it. I wouldn't have stressed over every little thing, we have all of our lives to worry. I would have made more time for my family and friends because there are some friends I haven't seen since I received my diploma. High school came and went by quicker than I had even realized, and we were all rushing to go away to college. I wish I had cherished each day that I had with those girls rather than counting the days until it was over. I have found that living away isn't what it's cracked up to be, though I have learned to be independent. But who really wants to be completely independent? What is happiness and laughter without having people to share it with?