West Chester University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at West Chester University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


What I know now about college life and making the transition to what I knew before, as a high school senior, would to know in order to make progress it takes a process. College is all about learning and I seem to learn so much about myself as I go on. I would say be ready to work hard, have a schedule because time management is key in College. Also in order to do well in life it takes time and patience. Strength is needed, you need will power in order to do anything in life. In college so much is expected of you, as I high school senior I didn't really pay that any mind. Professors expect you to work hard because their not going to give you a good grade if it's not deserved. Everything in life has to be earned you have to work hard for what you want it takes your full devotion, which I didn't know when I was in high school. Last but not least I would tell myself you have to expect excellence in order to obtain it, that's something I learned while attending West Chester University.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice, I would tell myself to stay focused and committed to doing well in school and good things will come to you.


Do everything you thing you want to and you'll never have anything to regret.


I would have changed a lot. The first thing I would have changed was my study habits. It is so much harder in college to keep up than in highschool. I would have also taken atvantage of the financial opportunites that I missed out on. I would also have told myslef to be open to as many experiences as I could in high school. Finally I would have told myself to be more open around people and to not be so shy. I feel like all these things together would have changed my college experience in a positive manner.


Do whatever you feel is right in anything you do. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something, because they are wrong. If you make the best effort, you will most definitely succeed.


Don't even think about living in the dorms! Commuting is much cheaper and much more pleasant. Don't worry so much about the workload; it's not as bad as you think. Don't be afraid to go to your teachers for advice or help. They're always more than glad to help out students (I think they're addicted to that warm and fuzzy feeling). Go ahead and talk to the other students in your classes, and don't be shy about setting up study groups. Don't procrastinate on your schoolwork; it makes life a lot easier in the long run.


I would advise myself to read more than I have ever read before. Why reading? Because every subject from grade school to a higher educationlevel requires, at least, average reading skills. For example, I'm sure that in a Calculus a student will be presented with word problems, so in order to succeed in that class, one should be able to read. While going through life, I have discovered that everything in life is connected to reading. I have also noticed that is not possible for grade school teachers to cover every subject in its fullest, so this is where extra curricular reading activities would aid in covering that which couldn't be covered. In addition, now that I see how imperative reading is, I make it a priority to purchase a book, outside of my class required readings, that is revelatory to each class in order to give me some sort of leverage or head start in my perspective classes. I'd also like to add that at times I enjoy dazzling the professors with the little bit of brilliance that I have. So, again, my advise to myself would be to read more than ever!


I would have definately saved more money up and planned ahead, unlike a lot of my classmates my parents can't help me pay for school.


Cassie, You're really good at choosing the right school for you. In the future, you will love West Chester and love doing Marching Band, Multiple Choirs, Tau Beta Sigma (the national honorary band service sorority), all your new friends, and everything that West Chester brought to you. Stay positive throughout the experience because, trust me, sometimes it gets really rough, but you can do it. Don't take anything too personally. Sometimes things happen for reasons that you don't understand right now, but eventually will, and I don't want to spoil the surprise for you. Also, don't be afraid to try something new, or approach new people. Don't be so shy. My only real advise is this. Don't turn in papers, forms, applications late. Make sure you're on time or early for everything, especially forms such as FAFSA and other forms needed for monetary issues. Yes, money will be tight sometimes, but you have a lot of really good friends that help you along the way. You'll be alright. For a final thought, Cassie, loosen up and have fun! I know you'll enjoy college, because I enjoy it! Love forever, Cassie.


To begin, I would tell myself to become my math teacher's best student and go to every after school help session offered. I?d dedicate at least an hour out of each of my days to fill out for early registration for the colleges of my choice. This would help me avoid any application fee and also give me a head start during advanced enrollment or opportunities which be offered to me. In addition, I?d apply for any and every scholarship I could to avoid me from needed additional financial assistance and loans. Aside from that, , I will lay down the major things to avoid once I get in college. The main thing I would let myself know is how much trouble the parties are. This is what can make my higher learning go down the drain. Don't get me wrong it?s good to have a social life & be active on campus but make sure it's positive. Too much fun is no good, remember why I?m there. Use my resources wisely and remember office hours are set up for a reason. Lastly, don?t let others bring me down. Always stay focused and dedicated.