West Chester University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at West Chester University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


I would advise parents to help their children be open to new experiences. I was shy as a freshman and was often nervous to attend meetings and club activities, however, my grandmother always pushed me to meet people and make friends because she knew that without that extra push I may end up studying in my dorm room alone. It's really helpful when parents want their children to succeed and live lives of their own, rather than just study and go home on the weekends. I would advise students to go to meetings and learn about clubs before deciding they did not want to join. A club may not have a cool name, but could wind up being a blast where you meet your best friend or future spouse. College is a wonderful experience, but you have to put yourself out there in order to truly experience it and grow as an individual. Do not just focus on academics, but don't just focus on partying either. After all, college is meant to prepare you for the future and a career.


my best advice is to find a college that best fits YOU, and whay you want to major in, not where your best friend or bf/gf is going. Also, when you find a college you like, visit it as much as possible, go on the tours, stay over night in one of the programs, do what ever the shool offers to better get to know the area, the people, the professors and the school. Lastly, if you end up with a group of people that you thought was your friends, and it turns out to be otherwise, be yourself and do what is best for you, do not follow or go along with what this group of people are saying just to fit in, be true to yourself and find a new group of friends. That is what college is about. Oh, and have fun!


Let the student that will be attending the school go where they chose. It is there experience and they have to feel comfortable as to where they will be learning and where there memories will be made.


Visit and make sure your child feels comfortable in the atmosphere.


The only way you're going to be able to find the right college is by visiting! I knew right as soon as I walked around campus that I was meant to go to WCU. Visit the campus, go on the tour, talk to people that already go there. You'll know when you find the right college.


visit the college before applying or deciding to go


Do not base your decision on one detail of college like sports, your friends, academics, and secnery. It is very important to enjoy everything about your college campus because at anytime, the one part you like may change!


Combining others' advice with your own dreams is a great way to maximize your college experience. Prospective students should consult anyone in their lives who can give insight into where they should consider. In my case, my entire family had input on my choice. I have seven older siblings, most of whom suggested that I attend an ivy league school. They advised me that attending an ivy league school, any of which are well known for producing doctors, lawyers, and other businesspeople, would give me an advantage in my career. My parents, knowing I was planning to major in performing arts, advised me to attend a smaller school so I would get more individual attention. I took both advice in considering which school was right for me. I chose my school because it is well known in my area for producing music educators, and it has a small, intimate environment. Now, I feel that I will have the same advantage in my field when I graduate as I may have had if I had attended an ivy league school to become a businesswoman. By taking advice into consideration, I picked the best place for me and have a bright future.


if it feels right then it probably is


Go with your heart and not with the cost. Never put a dollar sign on your education.