Visit many schools and talk to students who already go there. Once you have visited, chose your top three, and apply. Do not let anyone chose what school you will go to. This is your future, not anyone else's.
My advice would be to actually look at the school, see if the building are well kept, see if what the students look like. Go to the school more then once and most imporantly attended the open house or a tour. You can tell alot about a school on who they put in charge of those events and what they do and do not tell you. Most importantly, be excited! College is fantastic and there is an entire world waiting for you to explore, you just have to let it in.
Visit, and if possible try to have your son/daughter spend a night on or near the campus. Let them make friends, and see what the people are like. Yes, let them go to one party or one school event. This gives you a very just feel for who the people are and how the act on a daily basis.
The size of the college is very important when deciding where to attend, and going on a college tour while school is in session is essential. There is no cut and dry method of picking the right college but there is one very important factor that will never change, it must be the student's choice and only the student's choice. Money should not be a factor, education is priceless.
Students making most of college:
be open-minded, meet everyone you can, BALANCE school work & fun, join clubs and organizations, don't sweat the small stuff, discover yourself & where you wanna go. These will be the best years of your life, make the most of them, but still work hard!!! NEVER GIVE UP. don't ruin your credit. apply for scholarships like crazy!
Students finding right colleges:
Don't go to school too far from home, but not too close (unless your dream school is far away). you wanna be on your own, but not far away enough that your family can't be there when you need them. if you wanna go out of state, study abroad in another state. Do you want a small or big school?? do you want to live in a city or in the suburbs?? Visit the schools you apply for to see if you'll like it there.
be supportive of your children NO MATTER WHAT. Give advice, but let them be adults by allowing them to make own choices. Help them out as best you can. Encourage and push them to be the best they can be and not give up.
Visit every college!!! Even if you don't think you want to go there.
My decision of where I would attend consisted of two things, Money and majors. I am putting my self through college so I wanted to get the best education I can, for less. I'm not putting down other schools but universitys with tuition being $20,000 a year is obsurd. West Chester is very afordable and most likely you can recieve financial aid. Although the school is known for education, there are so many different paths you can take, and the university has the majors to choose from. College is the best years of your life some say. To me college puts my self to the limits. What can I do, and where will I go from here. It's up to your self to make your life what you want it to be. West Chester University, to me will shape the person I become. Good luck! Make sure you visit schools you are interested in also!
To the parents, I would say visit as much colleges with your children as possible. I'm saying this because it allows the child to really see for themselves if that is the college for them. Some children like small schools, some like big schools, and some don;t really know. College is an important part of life and should be taken seriously. Students, get involved on your campus. It helps you to become a better leader and helps you socially. Stay focused on your goals and don't forget who you are as a person. Don't let anyone make decisions for you. For most students, college is a time for finding yourself and really developing into becoming that amazing person. Parents talk to your children about applying for as many scholarships as possible. Why apply for loans when there are so many scholarship opportunities availble? It's free money which can help you towards tuition and personal expenses. Well thank you for your time and hope these tips will help you with your college adventure!