To prepare myself for college, I would listen more to family and friends about time management, being responsible, and knowing my priorities. It's unnerving leaving your comfort zone and beginning a new path, but it's exciting too. It's important to learn how to seperate laundry and which cycle to clean them on. Also need to listen carefully and take good notes in class, no hand holding here. You are responsible for your choices, so make wise ones. College is awesome but its not a huge party. It requires quality time put into my studies and retaining a decient GPA to succeed. Hard work and a good work ethic will set me up to succeed, while still enjoying my college experience.
My oh my, if only i could have known some of the things I knew now, so many things would be different. I wish someone had been in my ear constantly telling me these important things. The first advice i would give myself would be to do everything for me that in the end would be in my best interested. That doesn?t mean to totally disregard my parents and other authority that assisted me in this process but to go with my heart and to do things that will better myself in the long run. I also would remind myself to stay strong and be focused on the finish line even though many people say to cruise during your senior year. In addition I would tell myself to start trying to be little more independent and mature. To be more conscience about my time management and the thing I did outside of school. And finally, I would tell myself to cherish the time you have in high school, and don?t take for granted the little things because you can never get these days back!
One of the things that I would say to myself is to research the colleges you are interested in before you apply to them. I only applied to Pennsylvania colleges and I only applied to the popular ones. I wish I had taken a little bit of time out of my junior year of high school to do my homework on colleges. Honestly, because I was lazy and I waited so late to apply to colleges, I didn't put my full potential into my application process and I didn't get into a lot of the colleges that I wanted. Sad to say, but I settled for West Chester University, which is unacceptable and something I didn?t plan on either. Another thing would be scholarships. I would tell myself to apply to every one that I qualified for. With scholarships, I was also lazy and naive to the fact that you have to work hard for them, they are not just given to you. I didn't apply for one scholarship during my senior year and I truly regretted it.
In high school I believed that college was just like high school: there are teachers, homework, tests, and classmates, but I have learned that it is so much more than that. College is about learning to be independent and manage your time well, it?s becoming involved and not just sitting on the side lines and most of all it?s about making the decisions that are best for you, if you do these things you will surely have fun and survive college. A big issue many freshmen have is that they don?t know how to manage their time well; this can turn into a bad habit. You need to manage your own schedule now, inculding when to eat, do homework, sleep and then socialize. I would tell myself to become involved. College is a whole new opportunity to have your voice heard, if you feel strong about an issue then do something about it, voice your opinion, change what you don?t like. Finally, I would remind myself to always keep my morals in mind. Don't think that because you survived high school pressures that you will be fine in college, because here it?s even harder.
So, you?ve picked a college, you?ve visited the campus, you?ve signed the papers, and now you?re going. I know you?re excited and you?re scared. I understand. I want to give you some advice, tell you how to act, but I can only say so much. You?re going to hate your roommate. Hold out on switching, a much better one will come along. You?re going to join a sorority (crazy, huh?). Don?t be crushed when your top choice doesn?t take you, the women who give you a bid will end up being your family. Take all those classes you want to take, you?ll enjoy them. Video production? Go for it! I wish I could tell you more, spell out your whole first year for you, help you avoid the mistakes you will eventually make. I won?t do that, though. Every mistake you make in the future helps guide you to where I am today. Trust your instincts, explore while you can, and enjoy yourself! The worst thing you can do is be afraid of your own decisions and allow others to make them for you.
I believe in you.
If I could go back in time and be a high school senior there are a lot of things I would do differently.
For starters, I would take school more seriously. How well you do in high school will affect how you will do in college. College professors will not accept excuses that the high school teachers did. Those papers that I did in High School that I thought were long (3 pages long) ended up being triple the size when college started.
Instead of worrying about getting finished with my senior year and taking the easy way out, I wish I would have taken AP classes so that I would have had some college credits to help me.
College comes as a shock if you are not prepared it sure did for me. I wish I would have taken high school more seriously so that I could have enjoyed my first year of college instead of worrying about it.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what i know now about college life and making the transition, I would explain how different and difficult the school work is compared to that of being in high school. The work load for each class is not determined by what you do in other classes, as it is in high school. Professors don't sympathize for you in the event of missing class, and it is all up to you on how well you choose to do. I would tell myself that I must know that I will need to work ten times harder as I did in high school to achieve those grades. It is also important to know that your GPA matters more in college than it ever did in high school because you need to be able to obtain a good GPA to maintain in your major. The school work and homework is harder, as well, in that during class you must have the capability to pay attention to the professor as they are lecturing, as well as take notes. All of these things would have been extremely useful.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would definitely give myself the advice to go into college with a fresh attitude and an open mind. Above all, I would remind myself to stay true to my own beliefs and morals, but be willing to try some things that I normally wouldn't try. Most importantly, I would tell myself that I shouldnt expect to go to college and make tons of new friends if I don't try to do so. New friends wont come to you, you have to find them. I would tell myself to get as involved as possible because thats the only way you can truly enjoy your college experience. Lastly, its clearly going to be tempting to have fun as much as possible, but in the end, youre going to college to make a future for yourself.
As a recent high school graduate, I have noticed the differences between high school and college. At a glance, college appears to be completely different than high school. Looking closely however, there are many similarities between high school and college. I think the best advice I could give myself on the transition from high school to college is to look for the similarities. One similarity is that both communities wish that their students are academically successful, as well hope their students participate in school functions. Professors are just as deciated to students success as high school teachers. If I showed professors that I was willing to work for my grade, they would help me in every way possible. Distractions are eminent in college, but ultimately I am there to learn to become a successful professional. And the most important advice to be myself. I would not have been able to meet such amazing people and partake in such great opportunities if I had put up a security blanket my first semester. I needed to go out of my comfort zone and try something new.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself when I was a high school senior, I would be my new best friend. I would first tell myself to not choose a school solely on its cost. Money was a big issue for me, but I wish I had gone to my number one choice regardless of its price. Going to a college where YOU are the happiest will make every aspect of college life all the more exciting and easy! Do not choose a college based on where your friends are going or where your parents want you to go. Go where YOU want to go! I would also tell myself to research different careers and then pick a major based on the careers that interest me most. Too many students go into college without a major or one they are not serious about. This causes students to end up attending college longer or even worse ending up in a career they hate. Take your major seriously. Your major now determines your career, which in return determines what your life will entail for the next 40 years!