Westminster College-New Wilmington Top Questions

What should every freshman at Westminster College-New Wilmington know before they start?


My best advice I could give to my high school senior self would be learn how to study! I was successful in high school but my study habits were poor, almost non-existent. I would have had far less stress and more free time had I learned to study. It took two years to get my study habits to work for me. This was crucial and very hard to accomplish at college level. Fortunately I was able to keep up my GPA and make the Dean's List during those two years, but it could have been with a lot less sacrifice. Learn to study while you are still at home, taking high school level classes because it will be easier than learning to study while at college! That is my advice!


I would have told myself to pay more attention to the adults in my life and be more social. Make good choices in all aspects of life.


College is a huge change in study habits, first and most important, learn to study. Do not ride the wave in high school, take the challenge to work outside of the box. English class is so very important; treat it with respect and learn to write papers to the best of your ability. Learn organization in your work and thought process, as this will serve you well at college level. Do not be afraid to ask questions and take part in the class, your classes are for your benefit, not the teachers. Take time to learn about yourself, what you like and what you want in life; short- term and long- term goals. Never be afraid of failure or let it defeat the person you are, let failures be lessons and learn from them. Think outwardly. The world is full or egotistical people who are not successful . Be of service to those around you, if it is to help them with their studies or to carry out a task. This gives you the opportunity to build relationships that will last a lifetime. And at last, have fun! You are in for the ride of your life!


You have made it through high school and are transitioning to college, to become a teacher, as you had dreamed. Westminster College is a wonderful school, but don't doubt yourself because you can take on the difficult classes and semester workloads. Never stop with the bare minimum, because real success is achieved when no one is looking and when the work isn't measured or necessary. Moving out of your town, your home and your comfort zone is going to test your mental and emotional capacities, but don't stop trying your hardest. You'll make friends of a lifetime, memories to share and for your grandkids to hear, but you're also gaining an education some would only wish for. This institution is giving you the tools to build a career as a teacher so you can mold the future minds of the world. With such great emphasis on academics and job ready skills, Westminster College gives you the best foundation for your future and to achieve your goals. Study hard, dream big and always remember you made the correst choice with choosing Westminster College to house your college degree and start your teaching career.


If there was some miracle where I could back in time and speak to myself when I was a high school senior, I would tell myself two important things: remember your dreams and take it easy. Although I know perfection does not exist, I still strive for the best. While that is not a bad thing, I went overboard my senior year. I was involved in so many activities out of school in addition to trying to balance school work and family issues at home. I was definitely focused on school and knew it was my main priority yet I didn't stop to do one thing which was to genuinely enjoy my senior year because I was so worried about college and how I would pay for it. I did not realize that besides scholarships there was financial aid and loans. I still struggle to pay bills but I try to not stress myself so much anymore.


First of all i would make sure to tell myself not to be scared. Of course, its a big campus and it looks pretty scary but there are so many people there that will help you if you need it. I would also tell myself to not be lazy and apply for scholarships. When I first started college, I was shy and didnt participate in extra curricular activities. Be yourself and dont be nervous, i missed out on many friendships and many fun activities because I did that. Also, I would be sure and remind myself that its no different than highschool. Just a new campus with a lot more people. You still have to go to class every day and do all the homework. Most importantly I would tell myself not to quit when you start. I made the mistake of going for a few semesters then taking a break. Bad idea, get it all over with a quick as you can! College does nothing but help you further your education and get better jobs, also shapes you into the person you are it wont hurt anyone.


I would tell myself to avoid choosing a room on the top floor, if the school you attend does not have elevators in the dorms. I would also tell myself to have fun, make friends and do what is best for you and not for others. I would tell myself to spend more time in the library. Make sure you focus on your academics and less on the athletics. Call your parents and grandparents as often as you can, and don't be afraid to go home more on the weekends. Apply for more scholarships and work a job when you have time. The more money you pay now is less than the money you'll pay later. Drive carefully and don't take anything for granted. Most of all I would want to tell myself, when you do something, do it 100 percent and don't back out. If you're going to do it, do it right!


The number one piece of advice is: Be who you want to be. This is a chance to start anew, and that can be marvelous or disasterous for college freshmen. College is a clean slate for every student, and it's important not to get swept away in the pressures that may surround you. Chances are, people will accept you for who you are, so don't bend to any peer pressure that may come your way. You're above that. Instead, you have this opportunity to bring out the best in yourself in this brand new beginning!


I would tell myself to take college level classes through dual enrollment while it is free. In this economy, the smart decision is to take general classes early and transfer them in. This allows you to graduate early and save money on tuition and books. I would also tell myself that sports aren't everything, you grow up and move on, so seeking out a college where you are good enough to play sports is not the best way to choose a school. You should evaluate the quality of education and the cost of the school to make your decision.


In my college experiance, I have found myself. I know what I want out of life and I feel that college has given me the will to go and get it. I have learned how to study and achive my academic goals thanks to the proffesors at Westminster. I have many more doors open to me then my parnets be I am the first person in my family to get a 4 year college degree. This gives me graet pride and I want to help others in my family to achive their goals. College has given a great feeling of selfworth that no one will ever be able to take away.