The one thing that I would tell myself if I could go back would be to warn myself to listen to all the adults in my life who told me that rooming with my best friend from high school was a terrible idea. If iwould have listened, I feel that i might still have her as a best friend, along with making the transition into college much easier.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself about the choices I made, I would tell myself not to go to the Community College and just head straight to the 4 yr college. I feel that since I went to the Community College for two years before going to 4 yrCoolege that I got treated different and that some of the Professors look down upon people who try to save a little bit of money by going to Community College. I would also tell myself to be free and open up to people, I know it is hard to make friends expessially when you don't live on Campus and you have a full time job but try and have some fun un life.
Don't let your problems with indecisiveness get in the way of making choices, or approaching new decisions. While you might think that going into college, no one is going to want to get to know the real you, that isn't true. Even if it is cliche, college really is a new beginning, and the real you is the only you that people at college will know. Acting like yourself will help you find the people that are interested in you, and not the pretend you. Make decisions based on what you feel is right. Don't think on it so long that you end up losing the chance to do something amazing. Come to a decision, whether good or bad, early on, so that you don't end up hurting yourself and others.
In high school I never had to take final exams. I was exempt due to good grades and good attendence. I wish now that I would have just taken the exams anyways because I feel like I am at a disadvantage because of not taking them. I would also tell myself don't let anyone tell you you can't do something that you love. Work hard anf just do it.
Spend the night and check out the classes, make sure if feels right in you heart.
Just because its a small school in the middle of no where, there are plenty of things to do. Also every college campus has alchol even if its a dry campus.
Never choose a college based on someone else's opinion. A college is not only a place for someone to learn, its a place for someone to meet people and express their individuality. To find out what college is best for you, you must visit the colleges you're interested in, so that you can experience the atmosphere. After you've found the college that is right for you, get involved. Join activities even if you don't know anyone. This not only takes you out of your comfort zone, but you will learn about new cultures or ideas and new people, who you can create lasting friendships. Also, if you have the chance to join a sorority or fraternity, don't write it off as just a selective drinking society of friends. Sororities and fraternities are so much more, they provide you with more lasting friendships and the ability to help others through philanthropy events. These are just a few of the things that someone should think about when choosing a college and making the most of their college experience.
Go with your heart and choose the school that best fits your ideals.
Deciding where to attend college the most difficult choice many high school seniors will make at that point in their lives. When you think about it, where you end up going to college will send your future in a completely different direction than your second-choice school. I, for example, decided not to go to go to school in downtown Philadelphia, instead I choice to spend my four years in a tiny, rural town with only two traffic lights. No doubt my life would be totally different if I had chosen the big city. Regardless, I am absolutely happy.
It is imporatnt to think about this when you make this gigantic decision. Leave every other opinion being voiced to you behind and simply consider what you think is best for you and your future. Do not compromise to please your parents, your boyfriend/girlfriend, your friends. Step out of your comfort zone if need be. Take a leap of faith and do what you want to do. You only have four years of college and what they say is true, these years are the best years of your life. Honestly and truly do what you want to do. Be happy!: )
I came from a very poor family, and thought that I had to choose college based on money. It turned out that it was the wrong decision. School is expensive, yes, but don't let the one with the biggest financial aid package reel you in. Westminster was not the place for me, and even though I was a successful student there, I was unhappy for all four years. Be sure to really identify the school that will best represent your strengths as a student and have the atmosphere that you want in a school, not just the money.