Wisconsin Lutheran College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Wisconsin Lutheran College know before they start?


If I could turn back the clock and talk to my "high school senior" self I would start by saying, "Strap on your seatbelt, girl. You are in for a ride!" My life over the past couple years has changed me so much it is hard to remember the girl I was in high school. I know my "high school senior" self had big dreams and thought everything would fall into place perfectly. I had my whole life planned by the time I was seventeen. I would simply tell myself that I really do not have it planned. My plans are not God's plans. My dreams have not been working out the way I thought they would, but that is okay. It is actually better than okay. The first year of college is hard. Your heart will be broken and you will cry a few tears, but life will move on and so will you. Be passionate about life and life will give you passion in return. You will be great at whatever you do, Abby. Just have a little faith and courage. If you pray for rain, be prepared to deal with some mudd.


I would advise my younger self to apply for scholarships and financial aid, without them I found it very difficult to concentrate on my studies with financial difficulties. As well as communicating with teachers, fellow students and especially counselors. In order to do what you need, knowing, understanding and knowledge is key.


Study hard and establish good study habits early, it can make college much more bearable. Take time to try anything. Be open to new activites and ideas as it will help in making friends and can also give you expierience in areas that you might end up in because most students change their major often. Be open to other peoples advice. Listen. Look for opportunities to gather money for college even if it is only a few hundred dollars. Above all have fun. That may sound counter-productive, but its important to get out and enjoy the college expierience before it is gone.


I would advise myself to do all of my homework on time and make sure I would read and notes on the subject matter each and every night. I would also make sure to study every night to prepare for an upcoming quiz or test and to not cram all of the information given during class into one night before the test. In the end, make sure to have fun but be able to keep your grades up and study daily.


Don't freak out! Introduce yourself to others, try new things, join a club. Remember Jesus is always with you. Go get help for your classes when you need it. The professors and students care about you. Its not the end of the world, its the beginning of something new. There is nothing to fear there. The Lord is your light and your salvation, of whom should you be afraid? Look for all the blessings. This is the first steps to the rest of your own life--go for it!


In order to make the transition smoother, I would participate in more campus activities. Wisconsin Lutheran College's student population is around 800 and you can meet so many new people by attending activities, both on and off campus. I would schedule some more free time into your class and works schedule for these activities. Take along your roommate and get to know the girls from your floor; stop being judgmental of the people you don't actually know yet. Don't go home so frequently; just call home instead.


College is not simply about studying for endless hours in order to academically beat out all of your peers. The life of a college student must instead be balanced in order to shape a well-rounded social, intelligent, and involved citizen. Taking advantage of each opportunity that a college offers, whether the purpose is to unite the student body, better the surrounding community, or to enhance your skills, will result in the molding of solid individuals. Connections between peers should be formed in order to nurture long-lasting relationships, a strong cohesive learning environment, and a friendly, functioning society. In addition, building networks with fellow students and professors will enable you to enjoy learning for life, and eventually, aid you when entering the job market. Sucess is not founded solely on an impressive academic history, but on an ability to connect and work with others in order to further society as a whole.


The first piece of advice I would give myself is to be strong because I know that the first year and a half was difficult. Then reassure myself that I am today who I am beacuse of these challenges, and that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. Even graduating from a four year private college when my parents never went to college. If I wanted to I could be President of the United States I could. Though I don't think I would be very good at that or will not enjoy that, so I will aim for something I love like helping others in my community. Then the final advice I would give to myself would be to enjoy the rest of the years because I would give anything to go back.


Be open with other people to make friends. Study hard and always follow up on schoolwork and reviews. Get a good night's rest and a good dinner every night before a test. Don't be afraid to get out and try new things because you never know how it will be or who you will meet. Also, be smart with money. save it for when you need it and don't use it for superfluous things. Finally, have fun in moderation. Work hard, but don't constantly stress so that you freak out. Conversely, don't get so relaxed that you lose sight of your goal.


I would tell myself not to get too worried about switching schools. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, it was actually easier! And it was not hard at all to make new friends because everyone else was just as eager as I was to have new friends.