Being in college is different than going to high school, if i could go back in time and talk to myself senior year I would tell myself to boost my G.P.A as much as I could. The higher the G.P.A the more money you will get when you go to college. Another thing I would tell myself is to start preparing to be able to manage my time wisely. Once in college you are on your own and you must know when it is time for the video games and when it is time to start studying. The most important thing that I would advice my younger self is not to panic. At times it might seem like you don't have time for everything, but you do. Just relax and do the most important things first. Other than that I would let him know to enjoy his senior year the most he could because he will never get those memories back.
I would tell myself to be a little more laid back and not worry so much. In high school I worried about what everyone thought of me. This included what I wore, what I said, and who I hung out with. Having been in college I have realized that people will love me for who I am, not for what other people want to see in me. I have never had more fun in my life and wish I could go back and tell myself that so high school would have been a little more fun then it had been. Life is not about popularity, money, or the way you look or dress, it is how you live every day. Those people are great and will figure out you are great too.
i would tell my self to look for grants and scholarships because college is not cheap. You are going to need to manage your time with classes homework and sports and one more thing always remember time is of the essince use it wisely and everything will be fine.
I would have to tell myself to stay true to my values. Do not worry about being popular or having the most friends, worry about the type of person you are. Are you honest? Are you loyal? Are you kind? Too many times in high school it is thought of as desireable to belittle others in order to mask your own insecurities. Do not fall into this trap, do not let others dictate what you know is wrong. Friends who make others and yourself feel insecure are not friends at all. They hide behind a fascade of their own inadequacies.
I would say try everything once even if you think you may be terrible at a sport, now is the time to try it. Be apart of different clubs, take part in volunteer opportunities, this is the time to see your likes and dislikes. This is the time to know yourself and understand what you may be interested in pursuing. Don't feel that you need to know all the answers right now, the path to your success will unveil itself all in good time. Now is your time, go out and live life to the fullest.
Learn how to take initiative. Adults respect students who know what they want and are willing to work hard to get it. Start work on scholarships early. Work with your parents in all things college related. Don't just let them handle it because they know what they are doing. Get started early; don't wait until the last minute. College is an entirely different atmosphere. You have to become an adult and face all of the responsibilities that come. No one in going to remind you about your paper that is coming up in two weeks. Make sure you write down long term assignments because your professors will not necessarily remind you before the due date. Don't stay in your dorm, get out of you comfort zone and make friends. The next four years will be a lot easier if you have a support group to share the tears, the panic, and the laughter.
Be open to know ideas. The biggest change I have had to face coming to college was moving out of my little town and small high school where I knew everyone and everyone knew me and moving into a big city and a campus where I only knew one person from my highschool and we weren't that close. I was scared and trying my best to smile and have fun but I had to learn to be open minded to everything and everyone. I have learned so much about the world in just my short year and a half. I have broadened my horizons both academically and socially and I wish that I hadn't missed the oportunities the first few months of my freshman year that I missed because I was too nervous to understand change and be okay with things that I was not used to. Be open minded and be ready for everything. You will not regret it.
As a high school senior, I had two things on my mind: the girl of my dreams and getting out of high school. I had a vague idea of where I might be going, but I just was not focused on my future. I wish I could go back and say, ?Apply yourself and we can accomplish anything. Oh, and by the way, you are going to be a teacher trained at WLC.? Self-application has always been the missing ingredient to my recipe for excellence. Part of that problem was my lack of direction. Knowing what I was working for would have definitely served as the same motivation it serves now. I do not think I would advise about anything else because that girl of my dreams has been an amazingly positive influence that has helped me to steer clear of actions that would cause regret and the need for past tense advice. The only thing I wish I could have had in high school was motivation. I have that motivation now, and am I am not going to let anything stop me. -Thank you for this opportunity to express myself.- Ryan Shelvik
Don't worry so much about the future. You will be in good hands and there are plenty of opportunities to find work on campus. Everyone here is looking out for your best interests and they truly want to see you succeed. The programs for freshmen here are very good and if you take the advice they give you on writing papers, getting enough sleep, going to the writing tutors, and talking to the librarians, you will be well prepared to succeed accademically. Never be to proud to ask for help or to go see Pastor Strobel, the Counselor, your professors or advisor to talk and ask for help...that is why they are there and they know your strengths and weeknesses. If you study along the way, go to the writing tutor, and get involved in the study groups on campus, finals week and writing papers will be much less stressful. Don't forget to take time to relax andmake friends as this small campus can feel like home if you do. Go to the student events and get involved in music, theater, sports, and intramurals...they're fun and are a good way to beat the winter blahs.
I would take harder classes in high school, to better prepare myself for college. I would also be more involved in sports, clubs, and community things, because at WLC we are like one big family where we are all working together. I felt lost at first because I don't think I have ever read as much as I do now in college, and I never studied as much as I do now. I think if I took high school more seriously, taken harder classes, got more involved and challenged myself I would have been more prepared for college.
Study as hard as you possibly can. Make sure to organize everything you will do in a day and keep a routine.