Don't save anything for the last minute! Look into schools as soon as you have the opportunity. Take the time to research them, and don't hesitate to call Admissions Counselors to ask questions/find out more about the college. They are more than willing to help! Set up a tour to see the campus, and meet with students and faculty. Visits most often determine your final decision.
Students shouldn't feel like they must know what they want to study before going to college. Sometimes, and I speak from experience, if you already know what you want to study, you limit yourself to just that. The possibilities are endless. So rather than shutting doors to study one particular area, open doors to experience new ideas and other areas that might really interest you!
While keeping up with your studies, make sure you get involved in other activities on campus. It's a great networking tool! Businesses will not only look at your grades, but also at your participation in campus events.
And always remember, you CAN do it! Just make sure you find a college that proves they want you to succeed. Don't settle for anything less!
In choosing the right college, you must keep a few things in mind. It is not about the extracurricular activities and how much partying you can get in while you're in college. Being a college student means preparing for your career and thinking ahead to your future. That means finding a college that specializes or has a good program for your intended major. Or if you don't really know what you want to do, choose a college that has a well rounded academic program, like WLC. Secondly, you want a college that has a good atmosphere where you believe that you can be at your best level of productivity.
To address the second point of the question, making most of your college experience, I can only tell you this. If you tell yourself that you are not going to have fun doing a lot of school work and hanging out with friends at the same time, then you won't. It is really all about how you view your experiences that makes college fun. You must also make sure you have a good balance between your social life, your academic life, and yes, even your sleep.
The main advice that I would give parents or students struggling to find the right college and making the most of the college experience would be to do a lot of research and visiting of different colleges. I would advise students to take the searching process very seriously because it's a huge step in their life, and it is something that only they can ultimately make. Parents should be involved in aiding their children in making a sound decision, but the student should be the overriding factor in decision making. As for a students college experience, I think that college is what you make it. No matter what college you attend you can have fun and make the most out of it. I do not know if there's a perfect college for anyone. Yet, I believe there's one that fits the goals, values, beliefs, and pocketbooks of students better than others.
Finding the right school is an extremely important process that each student needs to experience for themselves. Finding the right school is all about what type of university is for them. This could mean a large state school, or a small private university. As long as their minds are open and they are willing to see everything that is out there then they will be able to find the proper school that fits them best.
Nothing makes a parent smile more than to see their child happy and successful. That's why when it comes to choosing a college from a parents perspective, all they want is for their child to be happy with his/her college choice and to know that they will be safe and successful in the environment in which they will be in for the next four years. From a students perspective on choosing a college, what they want to feel, is that sense of security, to be pursued after by a college and to know that they are wanted. This is typical to find at a smaller college or university where they can easily make friends, adapt to their surrounding environment, and get plugged into a campus group or social club. To have the best college experience, you need to feel wanted and comfortable in the environment in which you will be in for the next four years while you receive a higher education.
Find a college that fits YOU, the student. College will become your home for 9 months out of the year, so it's good to keep in mind the basic ammenities (food, laundry, dorm halls hours, location...) IN ADDITION to the education. I encourage prospective students to visit as many colleges as they can and, if they can, stay over night on one of those "College Student for a Day" programs.
Once you select your college, don't be shy. Go to student activities, meet new people, and don't be afraid to talk with your professors in and out of class. You are paying for your education, now's no the time to worry about being "geeky." Get the most bang for your buck.
You may feel like the king of the world, on your own for the first time, just don't over-do it. Remember you are here for school. It's good to prioritize and keep schoolwork and fun-time balanced.
Lastly, go for your dreams! You can do it! It's going to be hard, and you might run in to opposition, but don't let that get in the way! GO FOR IT!!!
I was once a high school senior struggling with what I wanted to do in life and what direction I wanted my life to head in. Wisconsin Lutheran College really helped me figure out who I am as an individual. You have to keep an open mind about what college is best for you and what major you want to study. If you narrow things down too fast, you might be disappointed with the outcome. During my first year at Wisconsin Lutheran College, I did not know that many people. I was scared to come out of my bubble and be social. However, most of the people here are so friendly and fun to be around. During your college years you will make friends that will last a lifetime, just be confident. Last but not least, do not fall into the pit of peer pressure! Be your own individual person. Do not try to conform to the way society wants you to be, just be yourself!
I would advise parents and students to pick a college that fits the student's personality. Keep in mind whether the school is urban or rural, conervative or liberal, career-focused or academic. I would also advise that, while money is important to think about, the focus is on the student's goals. They should be able to follow their dreams freely, and money should be a secondary concern. Get the most out of the experience; do what you want to do.
My advice to parents and prospective students is to first pin point exactly what you are looking for in a school; whether it be small, large, big city, small town, specific majors, sports, clubs, distance from home, cost etc. Then I would look online and pick a handful of colleges that peak your interest and fill out early applications for all of them. It is better to have more applications in in order to have back-up plans and options for when it comes down to the real decision. I would encourage you to visit the campuses to get a true sense of what it's like. You will know which school to choose, it just comes to you and you will feel this huge burden lifted from your shoulders. Finally, as a freshman at a new school, do not let it intimidate you. See it as embracing a new chapter in your life. Of course be studious, but do not forget to enjoy the college atmosphere and new people that you meet. Take advantage of all the opportunities you can and you will look back on the memories without a single regret.
Talk to the financial aid about getting an estimate before going to the school. Research that particular schools mjaor that you or your son/daughter is going to go into or interested in. Do not waste time. Find out what classes you need and schedule them. Talk to professors in the interested major to make sure to schedule the correct classes. Too many students waste money schduling classes they find out later, that they dont even need. Get through college as quickly as possible. The quicker you get through school, the less money you spend on it.