York College Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


More about scholarships avaible to students who attend.


Before attending the Art Institute of York PA, I wish I had provided myself with more understanding about what I was majoring in. I wish I knew that it was more hands on and that I would have to do some extreme thinking and problem solving in order to allow my future clients the satisfaction of giving them exactly what they asked for.


I wish i had known how to write a perfect thesis statement!


Before I came to this school, or college in general, I wish I had known the importance of community service and school involvement. In high school, and pretty much every school before that, I have always focused solely on my academics. While focus on school work is important, I failed to realize the importance of extracurricular activities, such as volunteer work, sports, or school clubs. Now that I am in a college environment, I discovered that extracurriculars and a healthy social life make for a more well rounded student and person all together.


That the price of tuition each year would go up.


Before coming to this school, I wish I would have realized how much of a party school it really was. I have heard stories before, but never really believed it was as big of a problem as it is. There is an entire street known for having parties. I am not a drinker, nor do I participate in those activities, but it is just frustrating to know there is an entire street known for its party-like habits, yet the school still puts students there to live.


I did a lot of research on York before making my decision to apply there by asking people I knew who went to York about the classes and campus activities. So when I finally was able to start I had a handel on what to expect and how to prepare for it.


the amount of increase in tuition


I honestly wish I would have researched the city my school is in more. The school is great; however the city is very boring. Theres really nothing to do unless you make it happen in the dorms. However while there may not be anything to do in the city staying on campus and finding fun things to do isn't that hard. Also, my school is only an hour - two hours from 3 major cities. It's always somewhere to have fun!!


The workload for the mechanical engineering curriculum