York College Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish i had known that it was hard to make friends if you are a communiter


I wish I would have known how far sixty miles really is . I would really rather be closer to home. I drive an hour and a half every weekend to come home because I really don't like where I am.


That I must keep an opened mind and realize that not all Professor's are created equal. There are many Professor's at my college that go above and beyond their teaching, but it only takes that one Professor that gives you a sour taste in your mouth. When a student is paying such a high cost for education we need all Professors to always be reaching out to help every student . I am thankful that my college has a learning center where I can get the extra help I may need.


I wish I would have known to join some type of club sooner rather than later because now that I have I really enjoy it.


Hard classes


I wish I had realized which professors were worth my time; some are very interested in students and highly receptive to their ideas (and the subject matter overall), and others seem fairly apathetic. I also wish I had known that York College seems rather uninterested in global affairs. A sense of community is important, but I don't believe that private schools (such as York) should restrict their focus to this alone. I also wish I had known that the majority of students' social life would be so predictable, consisting solely of drinking or going to sporting events.


What I wanted to do with my life.


This school helped me know everything i needed to when i came here. If your take a tour its definately your best option to learn more about the campus and the social life.


That the food on campus isn't especially good.


That the surrounding neighborhoods aren't that safe. When I came to visit the school, we pretty much came right off of the highway. The road that we went on to get there seemed like there were nice houses and everything on it. When I got here though, I quickly learned that the streets going back the other way are not safe streets at all. Also, the city we are near can be dangerous too.