I would advise myself to RELAX and enjoy life and to enjoy my senior year in high school. Most students including myself are so worried about tests and grades and college acceptance letters that they do not truly enjoy their high school life. I would definately join more activities in high school and speak more frequently with my past teachers. I know now that they are there to help all students and especially help seniors in furthering their education. Be prepared for college to be different than high school and accept more responsibility at home, on the job and in my studies. Most of all Have fun in life. It is too short and goes by very fast. Thank you. Katie Engle
Don't stress out about Youngstown State - it is an awesome school and you will transition perfectly.
Get More Involved In Extra-Curicular Activities, Dont Worry What Others Think About You, and Do Your Best To Succeed In The End.
I probably would have told myself that I did not need to limit myself in applying to colleges. I should have applied to more than what I actually did and taken the time to explore other colleges better by visiting and asking questions. I would tell myself that going to college was not my only option and that I am allowed to take some time off before starting college. Now I feel like I should have taken that time to think about what it really was that I wanted to do instead of wasting time.
High school hardly prepares you for college. It is a lot more difficult, and you have to give it your all. Do not slack off, and stay focussed.
Audria, start looking early! Figure out what your goals in life are now because when you finally realize it, it could be too late. You don't want to regret decisions made, find what you want out of life and start fighting for it now. You will come to a point where you question where you are and if it is where you are supposed to be. The feeling is not good. You want to be confident and sure of yourself the minute you step through those college doors. Regret is not an option. Also, don't be scared to make friends, they are going through this with you. Just hang with the right crowds, don't get mixed up in anything that will delay you from your goals. Look for scholarships! School work and athletics are enough of a burden, money will be one less worry with schoarships. The last advice I can give is to listen. Listen to those with experience and advice, you'll find they actually know what they are talking about.
Just do your best and know that school is one of the only ways to help you become successful in life.
I definately recommend prayer. I also suggest getting in as many go-sees as possible and narrow it down to the size of the school, the program you wish to pursue and the core beliefs of the college. Cost should be the last thing on one's mind because there's no price on education. Making the most of the college experience is very important. Get involved as much as possible and in things you enjoy. Especially if you're not living at home. Get to know the area, and find people that are like minded and stick to them. Drinking is overrated so stay away from schools that are party-oriented. Other than that, be picky. You're only in this time once, so get everything you want.
My advice for finding the right college is to know what you want when you start looking for a schools, or at leas have somewhat of an idea. Do not choose a school simply because you want to make it easier for your family because if you do that here is a good chance it will not be what you really want or need in a college. In order to get the most out of the college experiance you really need to live on campus, or in off- campus housing so that there is a better chance to get involved with on campus activities. Living with family or friends may seem cheaper, but you loose half the experiance because you have to drive to campus in order to be involved with any activity, or stay late. Another thought would be: try to find a college with a decent number of on campus jobs since these jobs tend to pay reasonably well and almost always work around class schedules, unlike some off-campus jobs. Finally, always be on the lookout for scholarships, no matter how much they are worth, they will add up and be of great help in the end.
To the parents and/or students who are looking at colleges I give you this advice: find the career that you want to pursue and attend the colleege that is right for you. Parents, it is important to let your future college student explore the world they have been given. Let them see the sites and give them the opportunity to embrace this new experience to its full potential. Students equally need to be open to the opportunities that will be avaliable to them everyday of their school year. Take chances and develop on what you already know and have accomplished. College is an amazing experience that should not be taken light heartedly, and there are so many opportunites for a college student on-campus and off. From international studies to fraternities and soroities; the possibilities are endless. So jump right into it and dont hold back! There is a world waiting for you and it starts with finding the career and college that is right for you.