College, take 3 By Robert Paul
Have you ever been heckled to play a game where the host wants you to find an object inside one of three cups to win a prize? You play the game, but feel unsure of your guess after he rapidly mixes the cups around. Your friend convinces you to choose the middle one. But what if it’s the wrong choice?
That’s how my college experience began. I was uncertain about what I wanted to study and where. I just went along with my friend’s choice.
I found myself in a university where I was too small. I was one of 300 students to one professor in multiple classes. The material wasn’t challenging or stimulating enough, and the expenses were burning a hole through my pocket.
At the end of that semester, I transferred from a four-year university to a community college. Although the transfer process stressed me out, and I found out that one of my classes wouldn’t count, I ended up discovering a university I had been previously unaware of. I finished a semester at the community college and found the ball under the cup.
I found out from my two transfers that the process can be difficult if you don’t approach it right.
To do it correctly, ask an admissions officer to help guide you through the process and check your transfer equivalencies. Talk with advisers to help you step in the right direction toward your intended major. Check with the financial aid office regarding scholarships available, and note the deadlines! Also, when visiting a university, talk to professors and students. Ask them what to expect and how to prepare; this can help determine if the school is right for you. Remember that everyone will have different views, so talk with many different people. Using these resources is a great way to make a decision and find friends.
The school’s Web site is also a great resource for valuable information. Usually, you can find information such as transfer equivalencies, credit by exam, vocational and technical courses and other programs you might find useful.
Once you’re set on the college or university you’ll be transferring to, get involved. It’s the fastest way to meet people and have fun.
Transferring can be stressful, but if you talk to the school, use the information at hand and get involved, your transition from one school to another will run smoothly.
Robert Paul is a management information systems major and a senior at Midwestern State University.
This article is provided by Next Step Magazine (, a publication that helps students prepare for life after high school.