A scholarship may be a tool to help cover some of the cost of a college education. Financial aid may be available to those who qualify. Scholarships provide financial aid, but they often require students to apply for them. One component of some scholarships is the essay. It may be long or short, on a specific topic or on an open topic, and it may be one of the more difficult aspects of applying for some people. That’s why it may be important to learn how to write a scholarship essay.
What Is a Scholarship?
An individual or group, which may include a company, nonprofit, professional association, or numerous others, may make the decision to offer financial support to college students through a scholarship. This is the scholarship provider, and they control virtually all aspects of the offer, including who they give it to, how much they offer, and when they decide to donate. Once they choose someone, that person is allocated the amount promised from the provider. The student may need to maintain specific things to keep the funds, such as maintaining a specific GPA or enrolling in specific programs. The key to remember here is that the scholarship provider defines the rules.
What is a Scholarship Essay?
A scholarship essay is a way for the provider to determine if someone fits their goals when it comes to earning the funds. Many organizations require the applicants to provide an essay as a way to gather more information and gauge interest. It may be a short few paragraphs or a much longer document. The provider determines the rules for the essay.
How Do You Write a Fantastic Essay for a Scholarship?
Learning how to write a great essay takes time but starts with understanding the goals and requirements set by the scholarship provider. That includes details about the length, content, and expected quality. You may learn how to write a great essay for a scholarship by following these tips.
Determine what the scholarship provider is looking for
Read through the prompts carefully. Be sure to think about what the essay question is asking, such as the viewpoint they are seeking or what type of thoughtfulness they may want you to put into the piece. For example, they may want your perspective on a global topic. That may not mean just telling what the topic is about, but also including your viewpoints.
Outline your answers
It may help to create an outline for your essay prior to writing it. When you do this, you may be able to better see the flow of your piece and how to craft a topic that is easy to read. Remember that real people are likely reading the piece. You want to be sure they start reading and want to continue to read the essay. An outline may help you to start on the process, but remember, you may make changes to it as needed.
How do you write a scholarship essay introduction?
Learn how to write a great essay introduction and take your time with it. One of the components to focus on is the essay introduction. This is just a few sentences long, but it needs to hold the attention of the reader and encourage them to continue. This is the first paragraph of the paper so polish it as much as possible. Here are some tips to help you do that:
- Start with a hook. Choose a statement that helps your essay to stand out immediately and grabs the reader’s attention.
- Make sure the point comes across. Someplace within the introduction, be sure to include a main topic sentence that outlines what the thesis of the essay is.
- Include some background information within it. Let the reader have a jump start on the information they need by understanding your background.
- Don’t introduce yourself. Don’t say, “This is my scholarship essay.” Instead, start off with valuable information from the beginning.
- Try to include a personal connection to the topic. A little story or an anecdote may help to create an emotional link that the reader needs.
- Consider a statistic. If the topic lends itself to a statistic, provide that in the introduction as long as it fits with the tone.
The introduction to your essay may provide the reader with a decision. Do they want to continue reading because they are excited or interested? Are they just going to skim the rest because they are not excited?
Answering the Question, “What Should I Say in a Scholarship Essay?”
Some people ask this question because they are unsure they have something to include in an essay. They may be unsure what to include in open-ended essay topics such as those about goals or what made you who you are.
Try to be positive. Talk about things that interest you personally and why. Try to develop a few key points that help to sum up your goals. Avoid simply writing your life story. Talk about how those things shaped who you are.
How to End an Essay
Try to wrap up the essay in a meaningful way. This is a great time to create an impact. Be sure to review the requirements of the essay before closing it. Don’t overdo it on the word count. Stay within the requirements of the scholarship. Depending on the topic, you may want to use this section to state how your education may impact the topic. Don’t make bold statements like “I can change the world.” Rather, be specific about your goals, ambitions, and expectations.
Your scholarship essay needs to stand out, but it may not always be easy to tell that on your own. Reach out to college professors, English teachers, or others to find a bit more support and guidance on your finished piece. Review it more than one time before sending it in, too. This is a direct reflection of your work and who you are. You want it to really stand out and represent you.