By CampusDiscovery
You’ve finally come to the end of your college journey and are ready to enter the real world. It’s time to celebrate your achievements and start opening your graduation gifts. If you haven’t given your family and friends any ideas, you can expect the traditional diploma frame or watch for graduation. If you want to avoid these boring trinkets, give those on your guest list some hints, such as…
1. New Suit
Every college graduate should have a professional business suit in his/her closet. You will undoubtedly be going on some job interviews, and nothing makes a better statement than a classic suit. Try to avoid bold patterns and bright colors; instead, keep things simple with traditional navy blue, black or gray.
2. Briefcase
Every professional should have a briefcase or leather bag to carry personal papers and other items. Don’t show up to an interview with a cheap folder holding your resume. Impress your future employer and show him/her you are organized and have style by sporting a tasteful leather briefcase.
3. iPad/Tablet
If you maintain a website or blog, you may want to show off your work during an interview or just have the ability to jot down ideas on the fly. Carrying a traditional laptop may be a bit cumbersome, but an iPad or tablet can easily fit into your briefcase. It’s also great for refreshing your memory about a company before your interview.
4. Furniture
Moving from the college dorm to your first apartment is exciting, but you’ll soon find that the limited amount of furniture you may have collected in college isn’t enough to adequately fill your new space. Having a line of credit at a local furniture store can really come in handy when decorating. Instead of having Aunt Mary buy you a couch (you always wanted a polka dot couch, right?), suggest that she put the money into a store credit for you to use.
5. Cash
Cash is always a great gift for college graduates. It can be used to help pay deposits for apartments or utilities, or better yet, start making a dent in any acquired student loan debt.
College graduation is an exciting time for young adults, but also a bit scary. You’ll be leaving the comfort and familiarity of your college campus and heading out into the unknown working world. Use your graduation parties as a launching board for starting your new life. By asking family and friends for these practical and useful graduation gifts, you’ll be on the road to success in no time!
Looking for something a little less expensive or personalized? Try searching for college graduation gifts on!