Turn Your Hobbies Into College Cash! By tamara
Do you spend your free time pursuing interests outside of school? Chances are those extracurricular activities and hobbies could net you some cool college cash. Although many scholarships are merit-based or need-based, there are numerous programs that target specific areas of interest that may or may not have anything to do with your intended college major. Many organizations and clubs provide scholarships to students who demonstrate an interest in certain activities or show exemplary skills in certain fields, such as music and art. Every day, new scholarships are popping up and one could be perfect for you! Here are a few examples of how your hobbies or outside interests can turn into free money for college.
Amateur Radio
Do you dabble in ham radio? If yes, then you should check out the Mississippi Scholarship offered by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). Licensed radio amateurs, who are residents of Mississippi and plan to attend college in Mississippi, may apply. One $500 scholarship is available. The deadline to apply is February 1, 2013.
If you’re a poet and know it, this scholarship is for you! Each year, Dream Horse Press offers The American Poetry Journal Book Prize for aspiring poets. High school seniors, undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply. One winner will receive $1,000 for college, but you have to apply before February 28 if you want to win.
All those hours of sitting with grandma, helping her crochet or knit, will be worth it if you win one of the six $3,000 scholarships being offered by Jimmy Beans Wool Store. The Beans for Brains Scholarship is open to both U.S. and international students who are skilled knitters, so whip out your knitting needles and get ready to apply. The 2013 application period will open March 1, 2013.
Does your family give you grief for following them around with your video camcorder? They may not be so aggravated when you tell them it could net you $1,000 for college. The ACT Video Contest is open to high school juniors and seniors. Just submit a short video, encouraging students to take the ACT, and you could win! The deadline for submissions is January 28, 2013.
Are you one of those students who doodles all over your books and papers? Well, put those drawing skills to good use and enter the ACT Poster Contest. If you are a high school junior or senior, your talent could score you a cool $5,000 and your winning design would be placed in high schools all over the country. Just be sure to upload your design before January 21, 2013, or you’ll be out of luck.
These are just a few of the scholarships being offered to students who possess a skill, talent or interest outside of the classroom. If you are interested in seeing what awards may be available to you, be sure to register for a free account with ScholarshipExperts.com. New awards are added frequently, so don’t forget to check back several times a month to find scholarships that are perfect for you!