As a business major, students learn the skills necessary to help a company succeed. Business majors may focus on marketing skills, management techniques, or general business administration. If you are a business major or a marketing major, you may wish to help a Fortune 500 company increase profits or perhaps you dream of becoming an entrepreneur. Whatever the goal may be, seeking scholarships for your college education is the perfect place to start. It’s also a good investment in your future. In order to get the most on your return on investment (ROI), or perhaps your return on education (ROE), start your scholarship search. From a bachelor’s degree to a master’s in business administration (MBA), business students can take advantage of business scholarships. Take our Scholarship Match Quiz and find the perfect scholarship for you.
This scholarship is for U.S. and international female students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in a business-related field. Students must be enrolled in at least the second year of an undergraduate program through the final year of a master’s program at the time the application is submitted.
This scholarship is available for Texas high school seniors and undergraduate students who are economically disadvantaged and are majoring in civil engineering or a department-approved operational business major. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 (2.5 if currently in college) or higher, or an SAT score of 900 or higher or an ACT score of 21 or higher if applying as a high school senior.
This award is available for U.S. and international undergraduate and graduate students who are residents of North Carolina and studying business or business management at eligible North Carolina public institutions. Applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
This award is available to Michigan resident undergraduate students who are attending independent, degree-granting Michigan institutions. Students must demonstrate financial need.
International and U.S. students currently enrolled full time in undergraduate or graduate programs at four-year colleges or universities located in North America are eligible to apply for this award. Students must have declared a major or minor in accounting, business administration, finance, or criminal justice, and demonstrate a desire to pursue a career in fraud examination or similar anti-fraud profession.
This award is available for students at a participating public or private, non-profit colleges and universities in Texas, including junior/community colleges, who have completed at least 120 credit hours in an accounting program but have not yet taken the Certified Public Accountant exam. Applicants must demonstrate financial need.
International and U.S. students who have completed their freshman year at time of application and have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher are eligible for this award. Students must enroll full time and plan to pursue a managerial career in the private club industry.
This scholarship is available for U.S. students who are attending Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ). Applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, and must be majoring in pre-law, business, or transportation.
Awards by the C.A.R. Scholarship Foundation are up to $4,000 for students enrolled in four-year University and $2,000 for students enrolled in two-year Colleges.