As a business major, students learn the skills necessary to help a company succeed. Business majors may focus on marketing skills, management techniques, or general business administration. If you are a business major or a marketing major, you may wish to help a Fortune 500 company increase profits or perhaps you dream of becoming an entrepreneur. Whatever the goal may be, seeking scholarships for your college education is the perfect place to start. It’s also a good investment in your future. In order to get the most on your return on investment (ROI), or perhaps your return on education (ROE), start your scholarship search. From a bachelor’s degree to a master’s in business administration (MBA), business students can take advantage of business scholarships. Take our Scholarship Match Quiz and find the perfect scholarship for you.
Graduate residents of New Mexico who are enrolled at public New Mexico postsecondary institutions are eligible for this award. Preference will be given to students from under-represented backgrounds.
This award is available to Washington undergraduate and graduate students who are currently attending or planning to attend a postsecondary institution in Washington. The student must have close cultural and social ties to an American Indian community in Washington.
This scholarship is available for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students who are Hispanic or of Hispanic descent. Students must be pursuing a degree in accounting, finance, business administration, information technology, or a related field; and have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
This award is for current full-time college students who are majoring in a program related to total cost management, such as engineering, construction management, building construction, the computer sciences, business, quantity surveying, information technology, or other related field.
Current college students who will be juniors or seniors in the fall term and are members of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) are eligible for this award. Students must be enrolled in a public relations program and plan to have a career in public relations.
This award is available for international and U.S. college juniors, seniors and/or graduate students with an interest to become a public speaker, regardless of major. Professional speakers and trainers, speech educators and those who want to or are using their speaking talents for improving the lives of others should apply for this award.
This award is available for U.S. college sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students who are pursuing a course of study leading to a career in the automotive aftermarket or a related field. Students must have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher.
This loan forgiveness program is available for Florida college juniors, seniors, and graduate students who are attending an eligible college. Students must major in business, economics, finance, accounting, business administration, or other bank related majors and maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher.