The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Naropa University is 100%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Well, I would share a little bit more about my teachers and coursework in high school but I would not talk much about what happened after high school considering that I made some fundamental mistakes which made me who I am today. I went into a fundamentalist Bible College up in Canada as an evangelical Christian and came out a staunch atheist. I learned so much more about myself after that experience and gained the courage to begin my transsexual transition from male to female. This, I would not share with my past self, I could never do that for it would possibly make my old self much more paranoid and possibly ruin the great future that I do have.
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Describe the students at your school.
The classmates that I attend school with are hardworking, cooperative, and determined.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
Hm, I'm not quite sure I am learning as I go.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
commited, hardworking, positive individuals
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Naropa is a truly sacred university where community and contemplation are honoured and respected.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Naropa has the philosophy of contemplative education, which uses Buddhist ideals and values to help students not just learn the curriculum but to actively engage in it. With this model, you don't just study the textbook and stop thinking about it from there, you are challenged to think of the course material in new and exciting ways that you never thought possible. You not only engage alternative ideas about the curriculum but the other students also share their ideas and insights to make Naropa a much better educational community than any other university out there.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
The stereotypes are definitely not accurate. While the school was Buddhist inspired (the founder was a well-known Tibetan Buddhist teacher) no one is required to be Buddhist or religious in any way. Meditation is utilized in some classes (more so in the religious studies classes than in others). The founding background of Naropa helps to highlight contemplative education as a real need in society. Scholarships and grants abound here at Naropa, so you don't need to be rich to go here. I would go here if that was the case.
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What are the academics like at your school?
The size of the school makes it really easy to get to know professors and, they usually have lots of time for students.
I think my favorite class would have to be either 1) Nonviolence in and through History, 2) Women, Feminism, and Peacemaking, or 3) Issues of Global Poverty. These are all from my department, but the classes outside my department that I've liked especially are The Cinema or Exile and Diaspora (good film class)... or Environmental Economics.
Usually students get pretty involved in class discussion. This makes for a good mix of lecture, reading, and discussion.
My department is Peace Studies. It's pretty interdisciplinary... we look at the study of peace and conflict from a range of angles... philosophical, historical, socio-anthropological, artistically...
The most unique class that I've ever taken was Traditional Chinese Brushstroke from the art department.
I like the academic requirement of Naropa. There is a good fusion of typical academics (paper writing etc...) with experiential exercises to help internalize concepts and lessons. My department also requires a thesis, which I like a lot. I'm excited to synthesize my studies into one last large piece of work.
It's easy to get an appointment with my professors outside of class. They have offices close by and the door is always open.
The education at Naropa is geared toward educating the whole person, not just helping the person get a job.. that's important of course, but that just one piece of the puzzle. I also think Naropa does a really good job at preparing students for graduate school.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Some stereotypes are... that we are all a bunch of Buddhists that just sit around meditating all day, not really connecting to the real world, and that you have to be a trust fund baby to go here.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
Best thing about Naropa... duh, my program (Peace Studies)! I'm very biased. One thing I would change (and I'm trying in student government) is the diversity here at Naropa... we need more people from diverse backgrounds. The size of the school is perfect (about 1,000 students). This makes class size small (20-30 students). When I tell people I go to Naropa, they are usually excited to hear it. On campus I spend most of my time in the classroom or on the green outside. Naropa's administration is pretty good. My experience is that they are willing to work with students one on one to meet the students needs.
I'll always remember the Peace Studies department and the professors Sudarshan Kapur and Candace Walworth. Amazing professors!
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What's unique about your campus?
The classes are small and there is great access to teachers and professional assistants, take every oportunity you have to make contact with these people, dialogue with classmates over course material, use creative and open thought, and look to apply the wonderful things you will learn at Naropa to your lived experience. This creates a personalized education formed through diverse views of professionals and peers, which leads to intimate insights about the world, this is hands down the best thing about Naropa.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The technology always manages to go haywire right when you need it most. The school seems to have bad technology karma, either that or just a small technology budget.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
It is the only Buddhist univeristy in the U.S. and I am thrilled with the contemplative education it provides me, in my 1st semester I already feel rejuvenated on a spiritual and philosophical level and am excited to challenge myself more in its community and the greater world with the education Naropa provides.
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