The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Virginia Commonwealth University is 81%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Assuming I could go back in time and speak to Katie the High School Senior, I would discuss two important points with her. First, I would tell her that college is not going to be easy. I would assure her that while college seems like fun and games with a bit of work mixed in, it is quite the opposite. “High remarks are imperative to college success.” I would state. Katie will look at me with sad eyes, afraid she will fail. I will then tell her with undoubted seriousness that she is capable of incredible things. I will tell her to always be confident in her abilities and to never doubt herself. I will say, “It will be tough, but you are strong and you can do anything.” Next, I will tell her to close her eyes and feel the burning in her soul. I would say, “Katie, that fire inside you is your passion.” I would tell her to embrace that passion whole-heartedly, and to never let it go. Her gaze will change, focused on the goal. Strength, courage, and passion radiate from her soul. She is ready. She will succeed.
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Describe the students at your school.
There are so many different types of people at VCU. You will encounter so many different walks of life everyday,
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Our school is very artistic. We have a wide variety of people on our campus. This is not the campus that has everyone dressing and looking the same.
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What's unique about your campus?
the cultural diversity and the accepting "be who you are" attitude towards people
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The worst thing about Virgina Commonwealth University would probably the cross walks around school. Many students have to cross busy and dangerous intersections in order to get to their classes. Sometimes I really don't feel safe or comfortable crossing the street .
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
Virginia Commonwealth University is possibly the best decision I have ever made. Walking through the streets of Richmond is so interesting because of the amount of diversity I experience. It is not only diverse with race but also with gender, age, cultures and even how people carry their selves. Nothing appears to be strange or out of the ordinary because there are so many types of people that judging them would be pointless. It is such a friendly and welcoming environment to where anyone can fit in and should not have to feel stressed about being different. Don't even think I forgot about the party life style. Frats aren't always welcoming to other guys who aren't affiliated but once you actually get in, it is the wildest thing you can imagine. I feel like I am at a rave 24/7 because of the props and hype music they play. Don't get me started about their food system. You begin as a freshman with the certain amount of swipes and dining dollars that you chosen from, and can swipe 6 times an hour. They have an all you can eat dining hall named Shafer and a Shafer-to-go downstairs if you can't stay. Right next door is Einstein Bagels. In the commons, they have subway, an express pizza hut, a chinese place called nao and zen, taco bell, chick fila, and a place called the POD that is equivalent to a 7/11. We also have a place called bleaker that has the DANKEST sandwiches and just opened a new Panda Express on Shafer street. VCU is overall a quality school and definitely needs more credit. Although, I like the fact that people underestimate the qualities of VCU because if they were to ever visit then their minds would be blown.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Virginia Commonwealth University is a school where students from diverse backgrounds can find exceptance all throughout the campus environment.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Academics are a mixed bag depending on your department and educational leanings, but my experiences were largely positive. I majored in Biology and found most professors to be very nice and gave an excellent lecture. Basically as long as you're not an idiot about attendance or notetaking you'll be fine in most cases. I don't want to name names here, but the obvious exception was a rather condescending professor I had for cell bio (which you WILL take if you major in biology). The chem department, conversely, seemed to offer the opposite experience. I did well in the labs but my lecturers ranged from a half deaf guy, to a mousy little guy with no stage presence and little clarity on how his curve worked, to a psychotic englishman. While I'm sure they do excellent research it seems no one in that department can lecture to save their lives. Exceptions were the lab instructors who were quite good at making it clear what you should be doing and what was happening chemically. In the interest of disclosure, chemistry is one of the areas where I'm naturally weak anyway so take all this with as much salt as is necessary. My classes in the other departments (cheifly english and politics) were also very good and the professors were as entertaining as they were informative (especially english 101 and Poli 105).
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish I would have seen the whole campus, it's a busy place and city.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Apparently we aren't that smart? I hear it's pretty easy to get into VCU but we do occasionally work hard. We just prefer to play first.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
The art community is pretty diverse with a wide spectrum of bathing schedules. Kidding aside you literally can't fit all of them in one category. Same for almost every other student at VCU. While its true the acceptance rate is quite high, the dropout rate is only slightly lower. VCU's tougher academically than people would be willing to admit: they'll give you a shot but staying in is easier said than done.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
People who are open to new, different and quirky experiences, who understand the importance of learning but don't underestimate the value of injecting fun and personality into the classroom, are a really good fit for this school. There's always something to do and always something to see and those who don't take advantage of these opportunities will miss out on what it means to be a part of the diversity of VCU.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
The kind of people that should attend this University are the ones with Liberal points of views, who enbrace diversity, and would like an urban setting for their college campus.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
the dining hall and how they make us steaks.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Virginia Commonwealth University is very well known for their School of Art, but being a Biomedical Engineering major on the pre-med track, I would rather focus on their rising popularity in the department of Biomedical Engineering in the VCU School of Engineering. The program is relatively new but is growing very fast to accomodate for the rising demand in biomedical engineers all over the nation. Also, with the BioTech park and MCV very nearby, not only can BMEs gain medical and research experience, but also learn how to apply it to what they learn in class.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The two most frustrating things about my school would have to be the financial aid department and the bus. Our financial aid department SUCKS! Itt's like they don't really care about what's going on in our lives. It's very frustrating going in multiple times and they do nothing but give you the run around.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
I hear a lot about how VCU is too Liberal and that all the students that go there are 'hippies' or social extremist, but there is a variety of opinions and types of students.
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What are some hot-button issues on campus?
I think people on campus are always discussing the employers that work for our dining services. Don't get me wrong, the food on campus is great we have so many options but I think often where are they hiring their employees from?
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What are your classes like?
Usually the 100-level and introductory classes tend to be very full. My core-curriculum classes were lectures of about 300 people with 3 exams that make up your entire grade. Once you get into upper-level classes, they will get smaller. I have a class with about 8 people in it and the professor knows everyone by name. It really depends.
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