Dallas Area Paralegal Association Scholarship is available to Dallas-area paralegals who are currently enrolled in a local college or university. Applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate unmet financial need.
Category Archives: phd-scholarships
Corris Boyd Scholarship Program
The Corris Boyd Scholarship is available for deserving students of color entering a graduate program in healthcare management. Applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
David A. Winston Health Policy Scholarship Program
The David A. Winston Health Policy Scholarship Program is available for U.S. citizens who are currently enrolled in a graduate program related to healthcare policy. Applicants must demonstrate superior academic achievement, community leadership, and a commitment to pursuing a career in health policy and politics.
AfterCollege Science Student Scholarship
The scholarship is open to currently enrolled students who are working toward a degree (AA,AS, BA, BS, MS, PhD) in one of the many fields of science. Science can include (but is not limited to): Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Meteorology, Oceanography, Physics, Zoology, etc. Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPa or higher.
AfterCollege Succurro Scholarship
The AfterCollege Succurro Scholarship is available for undergraduate and graduate students who have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher.
Dr. David R. Jones Asphalt Scholarship
U.S. and international college juniors or older students are eligible for this undergraduate and/or graduate award. Students must major in a field of study that is related to asphalt paving technology such as civil engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry, or other related programs of study.
Myra L. Frank Memorial Scholarship
U.S. female graduate students enrolled in a Los Angeles County institution or residing in Los Angeles County who have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher are eligible for this award. Students must be currently enrolled in a transportation-related field, such as transportation engineering, planning, finance or logistics, or in the field of environmental planning and science.
Walter M. and Eleanor D. Furlow Scholarship
Residents of Enfield, New Hampshire, who are pursuing postsecondary training/education of any kind are eligible for this award. Awards are based on an evaluation of the student’s motivation, merit, and financial need; preference is given to those students with the fewest financial resources.
AIA Publication Subvention Program
U.S. and international archaeological professionals will receive this grant to assist in book-length publications in the field of classical archaeology (defined as Greek, Roman, and Etruscan archaeology and art history).
Illinois CPA Society Exam Award
Illinois residents with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher who demonstrate financial need and are pre-approved to sit for the CPA Exam are eligible for this award. The award is to be used as reimbursement of the NASBA fee.