Renate W. Chasman Scholarship

This award is for U.S. re-entry female students – one who has returned to school to pursue her education following an interruption. Applicants must be residents of Long Island in New York State, accepted for credit into a degree-oriented program in the natural sciences, engineering, or mathematics, and entering the junior or senior undergraduate year or first-year graduate level.

Advancing Women in Accounting Scholarship

Illinois women who attend an Illinois institution and plan to sit for the CPA exam within three years are eligible for this award. Students must be college seniors or graduate students and have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

Illinois CPA Society Textbook Scholarship

College juniors, seniors and/or graduate students who are Illinois residents currently attending an accounting program of study at an Illinois college or university are eligible for this award. Students must demonstrate financial need and have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

Shaver-Hitchings Scholarship

Residents of Durham, Orange, Wake, or Chatham counties who are enrolled or planning to enroll in graduate school, a physician assistant program, or medical school are eligible for this award. Students must show a demonstrated commitment to working with others in that field during or before graduate studies, preferably as volunteers.

Gertrude B. Elion Mentored Medical Student Research Award

U.S. female medical students who have an interest in health-related research are eligible for this award. Students must have completed one or more years of medical school and plan to conduct research at Duke University Medical Center or UNC at Chapel Hill School of Medicine.

Thermoplastic Elastomers Special Interest Group Scholarship

U.S. and international undergraduate and graduate students who have a demonstrated or expressed interest in the plastics industry are eligible for this award. Students must have experience in the thermoplastic elastomers industry (courses taken, research conducted, or internships/jobs held).

Extrusion Division/Lew Erwin Memorial Scholarship

U.S. and international undergraduate and graduate students who are performing research in the field of polymer extrusion are eligible for this award. Applicants must be a Ph.D. candidate, or be working on a senior or M.S. project.

Composites Division/Harold Giles Scholarship

U.S. and international undergraduate and graduate students who have a demonstrated or expressed interest in the plastics industry are eligible for this award. Applicants must document their experience in the composites industry, such as courses taken, research conducted, or jobs held.

Injection Molding Division Scholarship

U.S. and international undergraduate and graduate students who have a demonstrated or expressed interest in the plastics industry are eligible for this award. Applicants must have experience in the injection molding industry, such as courses taken, research conducted, or jobs held.

William K. Schubert Scholarship

This award is for nursing students who are attending a professional registered nurse program and seeking initial licensure as a registered nurse in the state of Ohio. Applicants must be a member of an underrepresented group in the registered nursing profession and maintain a grade point average of 2.75.