U.S. students who are full-time college sophomores or older and have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher are eligible for this financial need award. Students must be involved in community service. The scholarship is worth $1,000. Click here to learn more and apply today!
Category Archives: merit-scholarships
John M. Skalski Endowed Graduate Scholarship
This award is for doctoral students who are members of PDK and are studying education or educational administration. Applicants must have a minimum 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
Larry E. Frase Memorial Scholarship for Educational Research
This award is for doctoral students who are members of PDK and are studying the motivational factors in education.
North Dakota Career and Technical Education Scholarship
This award is available to North Dakota high school students who are planning to enroll full-time enrollment in an accredited higher education institution in North Dakota. Students must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, and have an ACT composite score of 24 or higher or a score of 5 or higher on each of the three WorkKeys assessment.
North Dakota Academic Scholarship
This award is available to North Dakota high school students who are planning to enroll full-time in an accredited higher education institution in North Dakota. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and an ACT composite score of 24 or higher.
VSGC Undergraduate STEM Bridge Scholarship
This award is for U.S college sophomores who are enrolled full time in a program of study in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) at one of the five Virginia Space Grant institutions. The student must be federally recognized as a minority (African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, or Pacific Islander).
CBCF Spouses Education Scholarship
This award is for U.S. undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students who are or will be attending an accredited college or university full-time. Applicants must have a 2.5 GPA.
The Debco Construction Undergraduate Scholarship
This award is for U.S. high school seniors or current undergraduate students residing in the Joint School District #171.
Banfield Foundation Veterinary Assistance Grant
This award is available to U.S undergraduate students who are pursuing an education in pet-related fields, including pre-veterinary sciences, veterinary technology, and other academic fields that will lead them to pet-focused careers (veterinary school not eligible). Students must have a grade point average of 2.75 or higher.
CBCF Spouses USA Performing Arts Scholarship
This award is for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students who are or will be attending an accredited college or university full-time. Applicants must have a 2.5 GPA and be planning to or currently pursuing a degree leading to a career in the performing arts.