Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG) Program

This award is available to U.S. undergraduate students who are residents of Georgia and planning to attend an eligible private college or university in Georgia. The student must be enrolled full-time in a program of study leading to a undergraduate degree.

Abe and Esther Hagiwara Student Aid Award

Current undergraduate or graduate students who are members of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) are eligible for this award. Please note: Students of any ethnicity are eligible to join JACL. Applicants must demonstrate severe financial need.

Aiko Susanna Tashiro Hiratsuka Memorial Scholarship

High school seniors and current undergraduate and graduate students who are planning to major or are majoring in the performing arts are eligible for this award. Students must be national members of JACL.

Jackie Robinson Annual Scholarship

The Jackie Robinson Foundation provides a multi-faceted experience designed to address financial needs of minority students pursuing an education. U.S minority high school seniors with SAT scores of 1000 or higher or ACT scores of 21 or higher are eligible. Financial need and other factors will be taken in consideration.

FEEA Scholarship Program

International and U.S. high school seniors and current undergraduate and graduate students who are current federal civilian employees or the dependents (spouse or child) of such an employee are eligible for this award. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

Michigan Tuition Grant

This award is available to Michigan resident undergraduate students who are attending independent, degree-granting Michigan institutions. Students must demonstrate financial need.