Anderson University-Anderson, SC Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Anderson University-Anderson, SC?


So far, just the price of tuition.


I would have to say that the most frustrating thing about my school would have to be the lack of technological advances at the school. However, if I understand it right, they are working this summer to make some big changes that will help fix this problem!


The most frustrating thing about my school is nothing really. I really havent been frustrated here so far. I really enjoy my school, but if I had to pick something I guess it would be the online history class I have. I'm having a little trouble with the program. Other than that, it's nothing else.


The parking lot and the cost of food when you don't have a meal plan.


There are not alot of extra curricular opportunities here unless you are an athlete. Weekends are usually dead and many students go home. It's alot like high school here. It is hard to find a group of friends because of all the cliques.


The administrative offices are often disorganized. It's hard to find the correct paperwork.


My school is wonderful, however, I am in an accelerated program and it can get very busy. Sometimes I don't hear back from my teachers after I e-mail which has been the main point of contention for me.


Financial Aid tries to draw students to Anderson by offering them large sums of money, but after your first year, you have to fight just to keep them, even if you make fantastic grades.