Arizona State University-Tempe Top Questions

Describe the students at Arizona State University-Tempe.


Outgoing and determined to succeed.


In most of my classes, my classmates are very intellectually driven and fun to spend time with outside of classes.


slackers. Dirty, dirty slackers.


The people I have met at ASU have all been open and friendly; especially the upper classmen who are willing to answer any questions I may have and have made the effort to make me feel welcome on campus.


ASU students are a phenomenal bunch.


My classmates are fun, talkative and really interactive.


I did not get a chance to meet other students yet, but I'm looking forward to our online discussions...


Everyone on the downtown campus knows everyone. Within a few weeks of living here, students make friends from all parts of the United States as well as the world. Most students on the campus come from California, Oregon, and Illinois. Of course there are also many from Arizona as well. ASU is filled with students from all backgrounds and very accepting of these backgrounds. It is my opinion, that no one will feel out of place here. There are comedy clubs, chess clubs, sororities, fraternities, and so many, many other organizations.


The students are pretty diverse in terms of race, LGBT, social status, and international. The art community is the best representation of the diversity available throughout the campus. Financial aide students are mixed with those students who pay for their education on their own, or through parents. For the most part, education is taken seriously amoungst students, so the classmates in the courses usually are good people to be around.


At Arizona State, you will encounter many diverse groups of students. Most are welcoming and friendly, that is, if you extend the same courtesy. If given the chance, join a study group because your classmates will normally want you to succeed too. This is important because your classmates can be the best encouragement when the to-do list gets long.