Arizona State University-Tempe Top Questions

Describe the students at Arizona State University-Tempe.


I do not know my classmates on a personal level. Their faces become more and more familiar with each class and lecture I attend, but no personal relationship is built. We all coexist in the same classroom and absorb the same material taught by a common professor.


They are nice people from different countries with different backgrounds.


They are all very weird smokers who make art.


My classmates vary a lot, though tend to fit the stereotypical 'social college kids who want to party' often enough.


My classmates are spirited and enjoyable.


My classmates are very diverse and well rounded individuals, who are absolutely involved and commited to our school!


My classmates are a very diverse group. I love and enjoy this part because you have the opportunity to meet different people from different walks of life and establish friendships. Not only that, but you are able to interact with others and get their point of view on the subject. This promotes tolerance and communication. Also, all ASU students are very open and friendly.


Diverse, there is people from every background.


Most are passionate and excited to be in the major well others are not as committed. Some see school as a way to delay their full responsibilty, work force employment and finding a place to live without finacial help from parents.


My classmates are bright, inspiring, and successful individuals that seek higher education like I do and when we communicate, our knowledge increases with understanding of one another, what is happening in the world, and about different subjects that effect us differently/the same.