Engineers do talk a lot about how much they'll earn one day. In the entire campus there are people from all over the world and of all types. Everyone gets along and no one feels left out. When engineers hang out for lunch we are all just engineers no matter what you look like or who you are. Every political spectrum is also represented.
Demongraphically, the student body is fairly representative all all races and statuses. You will find at least 3-5 religious evangelists holding court along the main outdoor walk each week.
I think everyone is pretty good about not being racist and everything but and group of students is always going to have their cliques. A lot of girls wear pretty much nothing to class, and we have to look and their rolls hanging out its gross. There are a lot of rich kids at ASU that are not taking their education seriously and its really annoying. I wish they would pay for a kid to go to school who actually wants to learn. No one really talks about their lives after ASU.
I don’t really know anything about the student body other then they are very competitive!
Religous acceptance is very high, LGBT acceptance is great in the honors college but I don't think so about the rest of the college for the most part. The overall student body is amazing, very cool and incredibly good looking.
I'm not really involved with the student body, I unfortuantly work 20 hours a week and don't have time. I have friends in the sororities and they say that they have fun hanging with their sisters and brothers.
I think the campus is socially diverse. There are students from various countries as well as economic classes. Everyone and Anyone fits in.
what kind of students would feel out of place at ASU? i don't know that any student would feel out of place - it's a pretty diverse campus, and very welcoming and accepting. what do most students wear to class? whatever the hell they want. and nobody cares what you're wearing, either. do different types of students interact? yes and no. i see a lot of blobs of similar-looking students walking around, but at the same time you see very colorful, heterogenous blobs too, and you never feel weird talking to someone who's different from you, or surprised if someone different from you talks to you. where are most ASU students from? arizona, seems like. but then there's also a lot of californians and east coasters. then it's maybe chicagoans and seattleites. coloradoans are few and far between... what financial backgrounds are most prevalent? i'd say, middle of the road for the most part - not primarily wealthy, not primarily poor.
A lot of informal religious speakers draw crowds here and there on campus. They are particularly annoying because they shout at the tops of their lungs and hold their Bible's high in the air. I'm Catholic, I'm a very religious person, but these people really irritate me. There are people from all over the world! You hear so many different languages, just walking between classes, and you see so many different faces.
Their are many Christian groups on campus at ASU which often work together, praying under a tent on campus and talking to anyone who stops by. No one could possibly feel out of place at ASU if they look for organizations they are interested and meet people who are like them. Most students like to think they know a lot about religion and politics but are rather aloof.