Arizona State University-Tempe Top Questions

Describe the students at Arizona State University-Tempe.


In lower division studies there are many people who fail. There are weeder classes that ensure that all enrolled students have the necessary aptitudes for their major. However this is true for the first year, after that class composition becomes much more intelligent and devoted


My classmates are diverse and differ greatly with regards to career goals, personal interests, character, style, and educational pursuits.


ASU students want to meet new people and have fun, so just be open to new things and make as many friends as you can.


So far, my classmates have been average. How can someone lump together so many people and describe them? It's imposssible. People are individuals. I could say that most of the people I have met place a higher emphasis on partying than school work, but I'm assuming that will begin to change as time goes on. Most of the people I've met have generally been friendly and non-judgemental, whih is nice and a big change from high school.


My classmates are very diverse, not only in ethnic backgrounds but in their ideaology, likes and dislikes, and other ways as well, which makes my learning experience enriched in many ways.


My classmates are determined and true to their beleifs. They have realized why they attended college and what they expect from it. They want a quality education so they may have a better future.


My classmates are dtermined and focused.


My classmates are more responsive and considerate of the friendships that are constantly being created. I enjoy spending time with them both in and outside of class. This characteristic of the college life helps an individual in learning about different people and cultures.


Most of my classmates,at the moment, are teenagers that are excited about their new found freedom and are trying new things.


My classmates are very diverse not only in race or skin color but in their interests and lifestyles.