Auburn University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known to take myself more seriously during my freshman year. I was too focused on my social life and lost track of why I was enrolled in higher education.


Academics at Auburn University aren't easy. Students have to earn their grades. However, with the right amount of work ethic, mixed with campus involvement, and a dose of Auburn Spirit, the experience here will forever change each person in an unexplainable and beatiful way. You will be part of a family that will always welcome you home, to Auburn University.


I wish that I had taken high school more seriously and taken scholarship applications more seriously.


How much work would need to be put into the classes, and how competitive academically it is.


I wish I had known how much I would cherish the opportunity to go to across the country for college so that I wouldn't have second guessed my decision. So many high school seniors are afraid to go to a college where they won't know anyone, but traveling across the country has given me an amazing experience that I wouldn't have had if I stayed in my home state. I've met so many new people, become immersed in a new culture, and learned how to be independent in just a short period of time.


I wish i would have known how easy high school was in comparison to the difficult curricluim here at Auburn. I wish I had known more calculus. Lastly, I wish I had known how easy my life was before college, having my mom to grocery shop and cook my meals, having little to no responsibiliities, and having teachers that actually cared how you do on your tests.


I wish I had know how much I would enjoy and love AU. If I had known that, I would have attented AU for my entire college experience. I do not regret transfering to AU, but I do wish I would have started my freshman year at AU.


I wish I had known that one of the best keys to academic success is your network. Talking to your teachers inside class through participation and outside class through email and office hours establishes a rapport that makes them more likely to help you out when you turn in an assignment late or need extra credit. Classmates are invaluable for help studying, retrieving missed notes and assignments, and cooperating in projects. And the best time to make friends among your classmates is the first week. Online resources are the last part of the network; Sporcle and Quizlet are very helpful.


I feel I was pretty well prepared for college; I don't think anyone can predict exactly how much time classes and studying will take up or how much money students have to spend!


Before coming to Auburn University, I wish I knew how to properly study. While in high school, I never had to study for any of my test; therefore, when I began my freshman year at Auburn I was way behind. Fortunately, I was able to attain study stratedgies that worked for me.