Auburn University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Greek Life is the way to go. Go to football games. Be attractive.


nothing, just come, and enjoy it.


I took two years off and worked to save up some money for school. Coming back in after two years of no school, I wish I would have realized how hard the study load would be for a full time student. I did very well, but it was a shock to me at first. I had forgotten how hard school can really be.


How to study and time manage. There is lots going on especially on the weekends and it is hard to stay focused and study.


I wish that I would have known what I wanted to major in before I came to AU. It was hard to find what school at Auburn that I fit in.


I wish I had known how conservative the area was. I also wish I had known how narrow most of the people were. It would have helped if I had known that the school administration likes to waste students' time and constantly begs their students'for money.


I wish I'd known how challenged I would actually be. Because it isn't a private or ivy league school, I assumed that my classes would be easy - a breeze. But after a year, I've found them to be quite the contrary. Each of my classes is very stimulating and thought provoking, and I've had to work very hard to do well. I love the challenge, and I love the education I'm receiving.


that it rained a lot, and its best to have a car and money.


That college demands more time than college. First semester sort of caught me off guard!


How much i would be spending on books.