I wish I had known how amazing my experience was going to be when I got to Auburn University. I love it so much. It is the best decision I have ever made!
I wish i had known more about the social activities/ places before i came here. If i had known then what i know now i feel that i would have a lot more friends.
I wish that I had known how to study more effectively. In high school, I din't have to study much to make good grades, but college proved to be much more challenging. I learned quickly about living on my own, and take care of bills. Clubs are a great way to meet friends! I had to learn how to manage my time better. It's also important to know when it's better to stay home and study than to go out.
I wish I had known that I didn't have to declare a major. The best option for me would have been to take all of my core coursework classes before beginning my prospective major. (Which I've changed.) I also wish that I had known where and how to apply for scholarships and financial aid before coming to Auburn University.
I wish I had known about Auburn was the fact that this school has so much school spirit . I love being at a school that shows how much love everyone has for one another. I wish I had known so I could have more auburn clothes.
I wish I had known that my parents were going to get a divorce my freshman year. Now that my mom only recieves alamony, (since I am almost 21, she doesnt recieve child support), I am not sure that i'll be able to continue to pay for out of state tuition. I have met the love of my life and will stop at nothing (literally) to stay here in Auburn. No matter what it takes. If I would have known how financially difficult paying tuition was going to be, I would have saved myself the heartache.
Before I began college, I wish I would have known how important time management is. At Auburn University they teach us that we should multiply the number of credit hours we're taking by two, and thats how many hours we should study a week. I also wish that I would have known that in the science classes, you have to teach yourself a great deal of the material and that you should ALWAYS find time to participate in the study sessions, they help out ALOT.
I wish I had known more about the availability of the dorm rooms. I also wish I had known how much my campus shuts down on football weekends in the fall; if you aren't part of the tailgating scene then it's best to be prepared for ridiculous traffic. In some respects I also wish I'd also switched advisors. Sometimes I felt my advisor was giving me the freedom to do what I wanted, but was ultimately indifferent.
I wish I had known that college requires you to be more pro-active than in highschool; it's not because teachers do not care, but because young adults needs to learn that in order for them to be successful you must make the effort.
I wish I had known that we had free access to a fitness center at our Student Activity Center. I wasted a few months wanting to be a part of gym, but not wanting to spend the money only to find out that it was free for me all along. Also, I wish I had been more aware of the groups and organizations that I could get involved with. I've only slowly come to find out about them.