Make sure and visit all colleges/universities and make a compare and contrast list. Also, know what you are looking for and what you are not. Additionally, speak with students who live on campus and those who live off campus to get a real feel for the school. Do not forget to speak with financial aid before you leave!
First of all, when deciding what college to attend, it helps to narrow down your choices by choosing one that has the major you are considering. Next, you have to decide which size of campus you will feel most comfortable living on for the next four years. I also think it's important to look at the extra curriculars that are available. You definitely want to become involved in something other than studying! To make the most of your college experience, I suggest you meet your academic advisor early and often. It's extremely helpful to know them on a first name basis so when you have an important question or decision to make, you won't hesitate to use their expertise. Lastly, have fun! Believe your parents when they tell you that these are the best years of your life, and you will most likely be friends with the people you meet in college for the rest of your life.
Talk to people from the schools you are thinking of. Take tours of each college. Sit in on a class or two
If your kid wants to go to a smaller school that is a little more home-like and tends to be a much quieter area then send them to BW. There's much more work to be accomplished if you're focused on your studies.
The one big piece of advice that I can give to parents and students about finding the right college is to go and visit the college. Seeing a college in person is the best way to know if a college is right for you. While you are there observe the students, see what their reactions are walking around campus. If you can picture yourself with these students and you feel comforable there, then that is the right college for you. If you are stuck between colleges, ask if you can do an overnight, where you can sleep in the dorm and attend classes at that college.
To make the most the college experience is to get involved. Get involved in anything you are intersted in and it is a great way to meet people. You will never get the full college experience sitting in your dorm room. Go out and get involved.
As a transfer student and a commuter, I think the best advice for parents of commuters would be to give your son or daughter lots of space and freedom. To the students, never choose a college based on the fear of moving away from your hometown. Choose the school that fits your interests and plans for the future, because if you base your decision on location, you may regret that decision sooner rather than later. Going away gives you the opportunity to live on your own in some ways, and make your own choices. Having that freedom to choose is what forms your self, so find the school that suits you, and stick with it, even if it means going away, and even if you're scared.