To all of the incoming college students of 2009: you should makesure you go to a college that meets all your needs in every area. It is important to have strong academia, as well as academia that matches your needs for where you would like to be in the future. The campus itself is also very important, choose a college that strikes you as beautiful, where you would feel greatly at home. Make sure the environment seems friendly and welcoming, and that you can easily contact your professors. It is also helpful to have a college with good counselling services. You never know what may come, so it is best to go somewhere that will meet your needs full circle. Most important, go to a college that you completley fall in love with. Remember for the next four years it will be your home away from home.
My advice is to go out and meet new people. Networking is very important, you never know who you will be working for. Also, take advantage of every oppurtunity available that the college has to offer. They may seem long and over drawn but they are given to you for a reason!
College should be about the future it can bring you if you do the work, but it also has to be a place that helps you grow and become a person you are fully satisfied with. It is a tough process, but you will know if a college is right. You can feel it in your gut.
do lots of research and visit the campus more than once.
I believe that one of the most important aspects of finding the right college is to actually visit it. There's no way you can know if you'll love it or not if you never see it! Another important thing is to make sure you are majoring in something that you are really passionate about. Find a college that supports that, and make sure they have other activities/majors that interest you.
Make sure you know what you want when it comes to deciding what you would like to get out of the college such as a degree or meeting new people. Then I would say no matter where you decide to go the best college experiences are the ones in which you make. If you want college to be fun then do things that make you happy and be active in activities on campus. These should be the best four years of your life and they go by fast, trust me it seems like I was a freshmen as if it was a day ago. Always keep in touch with your family they will miss you.
Keep focused on your goals and have fun!
Figure out what kind of setting you are comfortable in and what kind of people you want to surround yourself with. It is 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} about the student. Parents should not let their own insecurities or agendas get in the way of making this choice. If you have something you want to do specifically, start researching and find the schools with the best programs in that field. Remember that college should be a gateway to better oppurtunities. Nothing is set in stone. This is your life. If you feel you should change majors or change schools, then absolutely pursue that. You have a responsibillity to yourself to take control of your life and seek out ways to get what you want.
what feels right to you
Talking with students who attend the school is a great way to find out what being on the campus for 8 months of the year is like, instead of just a 1-day visit. Music students should definitely schedule a sample lesson with their potential private teacher, because you don't want to be stuck with a teacher you don't like for 4 years.