What I have gotten out of my college experience is that college is something for every person, regardless of age or gender. In my nursing class, there is such a wide range of ages as well as a mix of males and females. We are all supportive of each other and are in a positive learning environment supported not only by our instructors, but by each other. I think the main thing that I have learned is that it is never too late to go back to school or start school. Education really is for everyone, not just the young!
Baldwin-Wallace College not only gave me an incredible education, but that is where I met my wife and some of my closest friends. The oppennes of BW allowed me to feel free to switch my major and career path and now I am in graduate school working towards the career goals I know I want and are meant for me. If I was in a undergraduate school where I did not feel I could be myself, I may have stayed on a path that wasn't meant for me. BW offers a close knit community between students, faculty, staff and administration and I value everything I learned over those 4 years.
College has been so valuable to me due to the rapid personal growth I have experienced. Being introduced to a variety of people from different cultures and backgrounds has really shaped me into a more accepting and empathetic individual. Although I have only been in college one year so far, I have gained insight into others' perspectives in ways I never dreamed imaginable. This has allowed me to see situations from different angles that I would not have previous to college. Along with my academically challenging courses, I truly feel that college will prepare me for personal and professional success that I otherwise would not have achieved. I believe that I will keep changing throughout the rest of my college years and become the person I want to be: a contributing, compassionate citizen of an increasingly global society. The value of this is not quantifiable; it is a worth that can only be determined from within a person. Within me, becoming a better person is very worthwhile.
I have learned so much about myself here at Baldwin Wallace College. I have had two roommates that I did not know before rooming with them, both of which were African Americans. I come from a town where this minority is not really represented. I have not only learned about another race, but I made friends with these two young men and cherish the opportunity to broaden my horizons and know people that are not the same as I am. I have had a great athletic career playing defensive end for the football team, and I look forward to a great senior season. I met my girlfriend here who I plan on being with for a long time. I have met a great brotherhood of friends who I know will be at my wedding and be lifelong friends. The classes I have taken here at BWC have fully prepared me for a career in accounting, and I know I will be ahead of the game when I enter the workforce. Choosing Baldwin Wallace College was the best decision I have ever made.
College has been great so far because of all the information I am learning. I have taken two English Composition courses, and Medical Terminology. I used to think I knew something about english, now I do. I had spent much time as a child at various clinics and hospitals. I am very literate when it comes to talking to medical professionals. Now, I understand their lingo much better. I have learned that many people are in college, no matter what age. I thought I might be old to be in school. I found out there are many people older than I am, attending my school. I have gathered so much support from fellow classmates. Everyone seems to encourage all of the students, and that makes it much easier to be disciplined. I have been very sick for the past couple of years, so I opted to go to college completely online. It is easy for me to attend, does not cost me any vehicle expenses, and I am able to be in the comfort of my home, with my family. I very much look forward to graduating with an Associate's Degree next spring.
Dawn Wilson
My college experience has been valuable to me in several ways. When I first started college I would say my most valuable part of it was the friends made and parties attended. It wasn?t until I took a year off, and came back that I started appreciating the full value of it; all my business courses seemed much more applicable to my real life scenarios. I think majors in college are a valuable part because being able to study what you like is enjoyable and not boring like general education. However, upon return I didn?t mind taking general education because I knew finishing college was going to open so many new doors for me. Another part of college that I found so valuable was some of my college professors. One professor actually helped me even when I wasn?t in his class, and after I had dropped out. It was actually his influence that inspired me to go back to school.
"Embrace life." The two words I wish I had, not only the opportunity, but also the wisdom to share with my pre-college self. As a developing vocalist, I wanted nothing more than to attend a top music conservatory to perfect my craft. Spending dozens of hours each week in private lessons, choirs, ensembles, rehearsals and performances, I'd thought I had done more than enough preparatory work. Unfortunately not gaining acceptances, I've had to rework my careful plans, always keeping my future goal in mind. Choosing to embrace the situation rather than wallow in it, I decided to attend a college with a renown conservatory attached; Baldwin-Wallace College. Taking charge of my own future, I set out and made the necessary contacts, took the proper courses, and worked harder than I ever had before. Within two months I had been accepted into the Conservatory's Vocal Performance program and have since risen to the top of my class. I'm grateful that I chose such a personal school where I am a unique individual and have the opportunity to reap the benefits of my hard work, and perhaps even more so, have the chance to embrace life!
My college experience was beneficial because it gave me a well-rounded education while still emphasizing my major field of study. The professors in my field were graduates of some of the top graduate schools in the country, and in many cases, were professionals in the very field that we students were hoping to compete. We were also required to study a wide variety of subjects such as the hunanities, psychology, mathematics, and sciences which helped gave me a head start in finding employment. The camaraderie the students shared was invaluable to learn new ideas and branch out as mature graduates. I would hope that every freshman would be able to enjoy the same diverse yet focused education that I received with fond memories of growing as a person as well as a professional.
The transition is the most stressful part. Don't view all the different papers you have to file as one big task; it will greatly overwhelm you and you?ll fear approaching it. And waiting only makes matters worse. Give yourself more time than you think necessary to do things. Work on many tasks in little increments, less than what you?d think effective. Working like this, you're not overwhelmed and you still accomplish enough given your extra time. This also works with studying; it does for me now that I?ve settled into college.
Don?t view leaving home as intimidating and it won?t be as strange. View ?early? as ?on schedule? in preparing for college and in college. You will make much better use of your time. Remind your parents not to overstress about you; you?ve got things handled and none of you needs their anxiety. It?s okay to make a few visits home or ask for advice or favors, but not excessively. You?ll only become more homesick when you have to leave again each time. It?s time to control your life and the first step is right out your front door.
As I stand before you today, you may be thinking of what you and your friends are doing after the last bell of the day rings. You may be greatful this period was cut short and your history quiz was postponed until tomorrow. You may be asking yourself, "What is this girl doing and what can she possibly say that would affect me? I already know what I am doing after highschool."............
............Leaving high school as an all-knowing senior and entering a college as a freshman, not sure which direction to turn, can give anyone a feeling of definate uneasiness. The one thing I wish for everyone to realize is each moment of each day is here for that moment in time and will never return. Take advantage of everything that is offered to you , for you never know when you may be able to reach into that file of information and knowlege and benefit . If you can take every opportunity in life and make something positive come from it, the event was worthwhile, no matter how awful it may seem. If you learned from your mistakes, then all was not in vain.
Grap life. Hold on. Move forward!