Barnard College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Barnard College?


Stereotypes about Barnard students are that they aren't as smart as Columbia students and that the girls who attend are either all lesbians or all really slutty.


That all Barnard students are rejects or were rejected from Columbia and went to Barnard. Another is that all Barnard students are homosexual.


that they are girls that couldn't get into columbia


1) That we're all amazing and smart and intelligent and aim to achieve as much as possible, that we respect one another.


1. We're all lesbians. 2. We're all feminists. Overbearingly so. 3. We wish we were Columbia girls (funny bit: columbia had no women until the 70s I think, we ARE the original columbia girls...)


The stereotypes are abundant and the most common range from each extreme of the spectrum. On one side, there's the slutty JAP who frequents the fraternities and is usually escorted back to the west side of Broadway by her flavor-of-the-week boy. On the other extreme there's the fanatically feminist lesbian who uses only gender-neutral language and takes full advantage of what is assumed to be a women's-only social scene. A more general stereotype is that Barnard is a school full of hard-working, overachieving future-CEOs/Presidents/Pulitzer Prize winners who are, as the Barnard tag line goes, "strong and beautiful."


sometimes people think that barnard students only went to barnard because they think it's the "backdoor" into columbia. or, "barnard to bed, columbia to wed".


Some people think Barnard students don't know how to have fun, are too studious. Also sometimes they are seen as lesbians because of the all girl thing


That we're lesbians. That we're Columbia rejects. That we're dumb.


Barnard girls are "easy," because, being at an all women's school, they are starved for the attention of men. They are not as "smart" or intellectually capable as the Columbia students across the street. But, they are cuter and better dressed than girls at Columbia.