Barnard College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Barnard College?


Barnard girls will hook up with any Columbia guy, and that Columbia and Barnard women never get along.


1) Barnard is full of liberal lesbians 2)everyone wears black 3) Barnard is where rejects of Columbia College end up.


There is an idea that all Barnard girls come from very wealthy families, or else that we are all militantly feminist--so not true!!


They are all feminists


Barnard students are less intelligent than Columbia students. Barnard girls are sluttier than Columbia girls. Everyone at Barnard is a lesbian.


Inferior and stupider than Columbia students, beautiful, easy to get with


The biggest stereotype is that we are all lesbians and feminists because we go to an all girls school. Before I even started at Barnard, my friends from home joked about me becoming a lesbian, just because I would be surrounded by girls all the time. Another stereotype is that Barnard girls are more wild as compared to our Columbia counterparts, with Barnard being called the "Barnyard". There is also a saying among Columbia men regarding dating Barnard and Columbia girls: "Barnard to bed, Columbia to wed." Finally, alot of people assume that you dance if you go to Barnard, because a good part of the population are dancers and the school is known for its dance program.


Some students over at Columbia think that we're less intelligent do I put this...desperate for men?


They're beautiful, well off, very intelligent, and artsy.


People think that we all go to Barnard because we couldn't get into Columbia. They also suspect that since it's an all-women's college, we are all lesbians and hate men.