Barnard College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Barnard College?


Because Barnard is a woman's college, it has the same stereotypes that chase all single-sex schools: People claim that Barnard students are either all gay or extremely easy to get into bed. Or because it's connected to Columbia, some people assume that Barnard students all wanted to go to Columbia originally and used Barnard as a "back door" to an Ivy League school.


Barnard students are "Columbia rejects". Barnard students are all lesbians. Barnard students are all sexually promiscuous.


-all students lesbians -barnard is easier than columbia -barnard is easier to get into than columbia -all classes are liberal arts (no sciences) -all students are super involved


Many people believe that Barnard students are not as intelligent as Columbia students, that they are more interested in fashion than in their studies, and that they go to Barnard as an easier way to get into Columbia.


That it is a college for girls which are typically jewish and wealthy. Also, that Barnard girls are just girls who couldn't get into Columbia.


lesbians, sluts, not as smart as Columbia girls


People (especially Columbia students) tend to talk about Barnard women like they're sluts and not very intelligent. I guess other than that the only stereotypes I can think of are rich and excessively fashion-conscious.


Barnard students are assumed to have applied to Columbia College, been rejected, and applied to Barnard as a last resort or a back door to Columbia. They are also generally considered to be not as intelligent, kind of slutty, and prettier.


1. That we are all spoiled brats 2. That we are Columbia's "girl next door" (thanks, Simpsons) and use Barnard as a backdoor to the institution across the street because we never would have been admitted 3. That we are umm...promiscuous 4. That we are feminazis and don't shave our legs. 5. That Barnard classes are easier.


Barnard students are gay, fat, ugly and jewish. stereotypically. they are feminists or japs.