Barnard College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Barnard College?


That we chose BC because we couldn't get into Columbia, that we're all a bunch of crazy feminazis, that we are all gay, and/or that we're whores.


There are a lot of stereotypes about Barnard especially because it is an all girls school but only a few are true. people say we are total feminists, some say were Clumbia's sluts, others bookworms, some people think were all lesbians (not saying it would be bad if we were), oand some people think Barnard girls are very competitive and bitchy.


Pretty girls. Smart girls. No boys


That everyone is gay and that we never see boys.


Smart, articulate, independent. Not as smart as Columbia College students.


Barnard is an all-girls school so people make judgements about that. Also some say the reason we go here is because we could not get in to Columbia and even Columbia students make sure we make it clear that we don't.


I had always thought Barnard girls were supposed to be the upcoming generation of brilliant women working to change the world.


Legging, ballet-flat and skinny jean wearing highly motivated females in New York City. Many people think that Barnard's student body is made up of feminist lesbians and those who didn't get in to Columbia.


We're ditzy, fashion-obsessed, boy-obsessed sluts who couldn't get into Columbia so we went to Barnard in the hopes of finding a Columbia pre-med guy to marry.

