unfortunately, there is a sort of segregated feel to bradley... i have black friends but in general you don't see a lot of racial mix... and the indians always keep to themselves. most kids wear casual stuff... very few ppl dress up... sweats are common... t-shirts...
almost all kids are from chicago SUBURBS or st. louis.... lots of cubs and cards fans (i'm a sox fan)
not a whole lot of politics...
in my experience, most people are rather conservative, but i am a super liberal... and there are recycling bins in almost every building that students take to the recycling centers...
They're college kids. We are the 7th most politically apathetic campus in America currently. That should give you an idea.
Cares about nothing. What student involvement there is in activist groups or student government is listless at best. Most of the students tend to be upper-middle class white people intent on becoming yuppies.
Most students I know are from the suburbs and from Central Illionois.
Mainly composed of middle class from the suburbs of Chicago and Saint Louis and central Illinois smaller towns. Most everyone is willing to help another student.
Ha, LGBT? Yeah, one of the guys down the hall from me is gay and I think this other guy across the hall might be too. It's pretty awkward but I never hang out with him anyway since he drinks regularly and we don't really share interests. [Like he drinks]
Religious... Yeah, we have a chapter of Campus Crusade for Christ and I heard there's a chapter of Campus Crusade for Cthulu too, but I'm not sure if we have an official atheist union / group / club / secret society, so ... I dunno.
And if you walk through the student center daily, at some point you will be asked whether you're going to Heaven. I've always wanted to just blurt out, "LOL NO", so if you're planning on doing that, call me ahead of time to video it.
There's a Christian frat that's not an official IFCU or whatever, and apparently they have a hammock.
There are four tables in the dining hall?
Most students don't care or talk about politics, but it seems like a lot of people like Barack Obama.
The one thing I noticed most was that so many people I met at Bradley were Jewish. I went to an all Catholic high school so I never realized how many Jewish people there were! Bradley is somewhat diverse, but the majority of students are white, middle class. However, a minority would not feel out of place at Bradley at all. I love being able to wear my pajamas to class... and looking around and seeing half of the class dressed the same.
Most students wear clothes to class, but there are a couple of people who run around naked...
Nah...most people dress comfortably depending on the weather.
I read in the school newspaper that Bradley is one of the most politically apathetic colleges. I honestly don't know, though. My roommate claims that she's one of the few Republicans on campus. I don't have a clear view of Bradley's overall political stance. I'm also not aware of other peoples' financial backgrounds. It's just not something that comes up in conversation.
Bradley does have some diversity, but there are definitely more diverse colleges out there. I'm not sure of the percentages or anything. Different students do interact with each other. Nobody seems to have a problem overcoming racial, religious, etc. differences.
Bradley has a great student body!!! We are diverse and yet accepting of eachother. Freshman year was great because I had met so many different people. At Bradley we have a wide variety of people, Whites, Blacks, Mexicans, Peurto Ricans, Asians, Indians, Arabians, Polish, Hawaiians, Catholics, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and so on. I had never been exposed to this much diversity in a school setting before and I had a blast getting to learn about new cultures and religions. I truly believe that anyone could come to Bradley and find their place within. Bradley students are your typical students. We are lazy and the majority of us dress like bums to class on a daily basis. Although you will see many of the upper classmen in suits and ties for interships and jobs, the nursing students in scrubs, on Tuesday many of the sororities and fraternities are required to dress up in buisness attire, and you can always tell a Bradley athlete because they are usualy wearing either Red or Grey. Over the past year I've come to find that the majority of students that attend bradley come from 3 major areas including Chicago, St. Louis, and The Quad cities (near Iowa). But Bradley is not limited to these areas. I've met people from Puerto Rico, California, Hawaii, Texas, New York, Minnesota, Michigan, Tennesse, Alaska, and plenty of other states. I would say Bradley students are politically aware. Where you find educated people, I believe you find people that know about politics. I wouldn't say if Bradley sways a certain way on the political spectrum, but you will find that politics is always a topic of dicussion. I believe that Bradley is a great school today, and I am excited for its future as well. Our Student Senate is doing an awesome job on improving the campus. I've already seen a few changes including the remodeling of lounges and the replacment and addition of campus lighting and I have heard of future plans for a new student center and have taken numerous surveys on what the school can do to better it for students.
Most Bradley students are from either the Chicago area, small Illinois towns, or the St. Louis area. There are a few students who come from further away. There are a LOT of comuter students.
Racial groups mix little on Bradley campus. White students are definitely a large majority. Minority students have many exclusive groups (clubs and Greek organizations). I feel like they get a lot of unfair special treatment and do not mix with white students by choice.
Bradley students come from a lot of different financial backgrounds due to Bradley's generous financial aid department.
Most students are not very politically active. The student body as a whole is pretty apathetic.