Bradley's a mix of students. From people in farms in the middle of nowhere, iowa, to guys from the inner city, we have tiny bits of everyone. However, the vast majority are from somewhere, IL. Seems to always be some suburb of chicago. Poliltically, the more outspoken are left wing, but there is a fair share of right-winged people as well, and the real composition is probably more evenly split than one would thing.
The students are great. There are always people wandering around and ready to do anything. I have not meet anyone who I did not like. The student body becomes more like a family. And the campus always has jobs for students. You just have to keep looking.
MOst of the religious groups enjoy the diversity each person brings to their group. No one would feel out of place unless they just don;t want to get to know anyone or try new things.
The campus isn't very diverse, but I don't see alot of prejudice or anything. Campus attire is definitely pretty lazy, if you have a morning class everybody is in sweats, in the afternoons more kids are wearing jeans, but there are always alot of hoodies. We're mostly middle to upper class white kids from the suburbs of chicago, but you definitely don't need to be that to fit in here. Bradley is historically liberal, but you'd be surprised at how many conservatives you find, but we're not very politically active at all. There are alot of religious groups, both jewish and christian/catholic. There are many activities throughout each semester to encourage diversity and acceptance.
Bradley's pretty white and affluent. Not to say there isn't a black, Asian, or Jewish culture (there is a cultural center, actually), but it is by far white kids from the Chicago area.
Student body is great. Where all really friendly and we do a lot to help the college and what not.
There are groups for every culture, religion, and idea thought of in this nation. Students sometimes do talk about how much they will earn, but it's not a topic on everyone's minds. There are also political groups that go out and support the candidates in different ways. No one would feel left out here at Bradley. Seriously, there are over 200 groups and organizations here. Something for everyone. And, if someone gets an academic teacher (or advisor, and 5 other students)they can start up their own organization or group on campus!
None; I don't know; normal clothes?; yes; they're probably talking as if one big group, I haven't really seen any cliques here; Chicago suburbs; parents are probably upper middle-class, but not wealthy; I don't know or care, I am definitely not; not really, most of my friends are concerned with doing something they'll enjoy.
Most students around campus are friendly. You see a lot of the same people over and over again because the campus is so small.