LGBT students are very underrepresented, but I haven't witnessed any violence or even hatred towards the few I know.
As for race, there are few Hispanics and few Asians, a good number of African Americans who all seem to stick together all the time, and the majority of the campus is white.
Almost everyone at Bradley is from the Chicago area. St. Louis is also represented. The rest of mostly from small farm towns throughout Illinois and other neighboring states.
The clothes worn to class vary by major. In humanity or science classes wearing pajamas is not uncommon, especially around tests. On the business side of campus, people try to dress nicer.
Most of Bradley is white and is from the suburbs of Chicago. The other two major groups of people tend to be African Americans and Middle Easterners. From what I've come across, the three major groupings of people don't tend to interact unless it's for a class project. Bradley doesn't seem to be too religious or too political. Most of the students come from middle to upper middle class families, which shouldn't be surprising due to the tuition costs.
Don't really care about anything unless it effects them directly.
The student body can be classified into two groups: students in a sorority/frat and students who aren't.
I have no real ties to any government or religious groups. Most students wear casual clothing to class with the exception being the students that work. Most students come from wealthy backgrounds.
Bradley's a fairly diverse place, but the majority of students are from the Chicago-land area or the Peoria area. I've met tons of different people. There are all kinds at Bradley, you just have to go seek them out.
The Student body is very casual. Most people mainly where whatever they feel like. A lot of people tend to wear sweat pants to class or just jeans and a shirt. You will also see a lot of people dressed formally for internships or interviews.
The only way a person would feel out of place would be if they were not involved, which is hard to do unless you never leave your room. All students interact with one another and though they live in different dorms or are involved in other organizations most people make a point to get to know and interact with students they do not know.
While there is diversity at Bradley, it is a predominately white campus. The administration recognizes this as a not-so-good statistic and they are making it a priority to incorporate more diversity on campus.
In class, students basically wear whatever they want. Some are perfectly comfortable rolling out of bed and coming to class with messy hair in their pajamas. Most wear t-shirts and blue jeans and a sweatshirt or sweater when it is colder.
Sadly, Bradley is pretty apathetic. There are political organizations on campus and a student senate, but most students do not care too much about them. There are students who are very politically active if you want to find a group to socialize with.
Student Body is great.
The dress of the students to class ranges from sweatpants and t-shirts to dress up clothes. It just depends on what that student felt like wearing that morning. Most of the student body is from Illinois and it's surrounding states. But I have a few friends from Nevada, Arizona, and California. Students are definitely politically aware. There is a student senate and also Democratic and Republican organizations. I would say that every student on campus is in at least one organization on campus - whether that be Greek or just something that interests them - we get involved!